Criteria for inclusion into the Lists
Criteria for inclusion in the following Consultants Lists for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals’ Development and Construction Projects, Renovation and Maintenance Works:
- Architectural Consultants
- Building Services Consultants
- Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants
- Quantity Surveying Consultants
- Estate Surveying Consultants
- Building Surveying Consultants
- Land Surveying Consultants
- Landscape Architectural Consultants
- Planning Consultants
Basic Requirements/Qualifications for Members (including Principals)
1. Architectural Consultants
(List A: Eligible to bid for project with no limit of estimated project value)
Minimum of 2 qualified architects at least 1 of whom must be Authorised Persons (List of Architects). At least one of the resident principals of the firm is a qualified architect. Qualified architect means member or fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects or a Registered Architect (Hong Kong) or an Authorised Person (List of Architects).
(List B: Eligible to bid for project with estimated project value NOT exceeding HK$5 Million each)
Minimum of 1 qualified architect who must be Authorised Person (List of Architects) and be one of the full time resident staff/ principal/ director of the firm.
2. Building Services Consultants
Minimum of 2 qualified engineers including principal(s). At least one of the resident principals of the firm must be a qualified engineer. Qualified engineer means a person who satisfies the following requirements:
- having either one of the following qualifications:
- corporate member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Electrical, Mechanical or Building Services discipline) elected after 5 December 1975 or equivalent, or
- Registered Professional Engineer (Electrical, Mechanical or Building Services discipline);
- having relevant post corporate membership (of a professional institution) experience in at least two of the following: Air-conditioning, Electrical, Fire Services and Lift Installations.
3. Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants
Minimum of 2 qualified engineers. At least one of the resident principals of the firm must be a qualified engineer. Qualified engineer means corporate member of a professional institution recognized for corporate membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (Civil or Structural Engineering discipline) elected after 5 December 1975. For holders of qualifications in the field of civil engineering, appropriate experience in structural engineering design and practice is required.
4. Quantity Surveying Consultants
Minimum of 2 qualified quantity surveyors. At least one of the resident principals of the firm must be a qualified quantity surveyor. Qualified quantity surveyor means corporate member of a professional institution recognized for corporate membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (Quantity Surveying Division) who is also a Registered Professional Surveyor (Quantity Surveying).
5. Estate Surveying Consultants
Group A
Estate Surveying Consultants with over 10 qualified members of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (General Practice Division) or Registered Professional Surveyors (General Practice).
Group B
Estate Surveying Consultants with 5 to 10 qualified members of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (General Practice Division) or Registered Professional Surveyors (General Practice).
Group C
Estate Surveying Consultants with not more than 5 qualified members of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (General Practice Division) or Registered Professional Surveyors (General Practice).
6. Building Surveying Consultants
Minimum of 2 qualified building surveyors. At least one of the resident principals of the firm must be a qualified building surveyor. Qualified building surveyor means corporate member of a professional institution recognized for corporate membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (Building Surveying Division) who is also a Registered Professional Surveyor (Building Surveying).
7. Land Surveying Consultants
Minimum of 2 qualified land surveyors. At least one of the resident principals of the firm must be Authorized Land Surveyor. Qualified land surveyor means corporate member of a professional institution recognized for corporate membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (Land Surveying Division) who is also a Registered Professional Surveyor (Land Surveying).
8. Landscape Architectural Consultants
Minimum of 2 qualified landscape architects. At least one of the resident principals of the firm must be a qualified landscape architect. Qualified landscape architect means corporate member of UKLI (Design stream), HKILA (after January 1997) or qualification recognized for corporate membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects after 1 January 1997.
9. Planning Consultants
Minimum of 2 qualified planners, at least one of the full time resident staff/ principal/ director of the firm must be Registered Professional Planner. Qualified planner means full member or fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners.
Requirements for Staff Members
A consultant to a firm is not counted as staff. Only full time employees are counted as staff of a consultant.
Practice and Experience
All firms must have practiced in the relevant profession in Hong Kong for a minimum of 5 continuous years. The applicant should demonstrate satisfactory design and supervision work standards on lotteries fund or government sub-vented projects.
ISO 9001:2008 Certification
Preferably have obtained the ISO 9001: 2008 certification as detailed in the current Development Bureau Technical Circular or equivalent.
Application Procedure
Please register with the Property Division of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (Enquiries: Tel no. 28597763, Fax No. 25485710) and obtain the relevant “Company Information Proforma” which should be completed and returned together with your company details including company brochures, annual audit report and job reference of the past 3 years to the Head of Property Division at 8/F., TWGHs Wong Fung Ling Memorial Building, 12 Po Yan Street, Hong Kong. The Group is not bound to accept any applications that it may receive.
- Proforma for Architectural Consultants
- Proforma for Building Services Engineering Consultants
- Proforma for Civil & Structural Engineering Consultants
- Proforma for Quantity Surveying Consultants
- Proforma for Estate Surveying Consultants
- Proforma for Building Surveying Consultants
- Proforma for Land Surveying Consultants
- Proforma for Landscape Architectural Consultants
- Proforma for Planning Consultants
This Criterion for inclusion into the Lists has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.