Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Education Services

“The Grumpy Dolphin Blackie” – “PLAY with YOU” Emotional Education Book Set

“The Grumpy Dolphin Blackie” is an educational package developed by a professional team of Educational Psychologist, Play Therapist and Expressive Arts Therapist at TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre that promotes children’s emotional development. Through the integration of arts and play, parents are encouraged to experience with and to guide their children to become aware of; accept and express their emotions. “The Grumpy Dolphin Blackie” was issued by the Sesame Publication Company Limited and first came out at the Hong Kong Book Fair 2017. It is now available at various major bookstores in Hong Kong.

“The Grumpy Dolphin Blackie” has been recommended by a number of media and online bloggers, including HK01, HK Economic Journal, BabyMo parents’ magazine, Ms. Skye Chan, Ms. Adeline Chan (Ohpama) and Mrs. Bonnie Shum (Hello Bonnie 国际亲子台). Furthermore, it was nominated to the Dr. Book Chart (第15届小学生书丛榜) organized by the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union. Besides, our team has been invited as guest, to share our experiences and the package in several programmes of the Commercial Radio of Hong Kong, including ‘Zine@903’, ‘Kiss Kids@903’ and ‘细路强@881’.

From July to November 2017, our team collaborated with different service units, including Social Ventures Hong Kong, TWGHs Long Love Integrated Family Service Centre and Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, to provide free parent-child workshops to low income families in the Sham Shui Po, Northern and Eastern districts so as to facilitate parenting skills in enhancing children’s emotional development. Our team also held five story-telling workshops for over 200 children and parents publicly at the Hong Kong Book Fair, TWGHs Kindergarten information day (Kowloon session), 2017 Mental Health Month Micro-expo and JP Books (Wan Chai), enabling the parents to understand their children and reflect from their emotional experiences.

“The Grumpy Dolphin Blackie” – “PLAY with YOU” Emotion Education Book Set, including the picture book and parents’ manual

Our team was sharing the rationale of developing the book set with Dr Law Chi-kwong, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, during our presentation at the “2017 Mental Health Month”.

Our team was invited as guest speakers at the Commercial Radio Hong Kong.(细路强@881)