2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 57 The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) implements the “IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools” (IT Innovation Lab) initiative under the existing “Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools” (EITP) to upgrade IT equipment and facilities of the secondary schools and to organise IT-related activities. It is hoped the Programme will arouse students’ interest in learning IT, cultivate their creativity and logical thinking, and promote popular IT education. All 18 TWGHs secondary schools received funding from the OGCIO to develop in-depth courses to cultivate students’ interest in Python, micro : bit, drone, AI and so on. Meanwhile, some schools focus on professional aspects, such as driverless coding and AR app development. Apart from robotic coding, some schools extended application of AI coding to arts therapy and other aspects, integrating technology into culture and daily life, and achieving sustainable development. 政府资讯科技总监办公室( 资科办) 在现行的「中 学资讯科技增润计划」下推行「中学IT创新实验 室」计划,以提升校内资讯科技设备和设施,以 及举办与资讯科技相关的课外活动。期望有关设 施及活动有助提高学生学习资讯科技的兴趣,培 养创意及逻辑思维,并加强和推广资讯科技普及 教育。 本院属下18 间中学都已获资科办拨款,开设 多种深度学习兴趣班,包括编程语言Python、 micro : bit、无人机及人工智能等。当中亦有学校 针对无人驾驶编程、扩展实境应用程序设计等专 业领域进行培训,除了一般的机械编程外,亦运 用AI 编程于艺术治疗,在不同层面应用科技, 并与文化、生活元素结合,实践可持续发展。 院属中学设立IT创新实验室 Establishing IT Innovation Lab in TWGHs Secondary Schools 机械人操作需要学生从零开始堆砌,是集结学生创意和努力的一 大课程,而学生无不勇于接受挑战,且乐在其中。 Robot control requires students to build everything from zero, and every participating student seemed to be enjoying all those challenges a lot. 学校与商业机构合作,为学生安排资讯科技行业的实习机会,以便 学生更加了解科技应用及掌握解难技巧,启发他们自主学习。 By cooperating with business organisations, schools arranged internship opportunities for students so that they could learn more about application of technology and problem-solving skills, and further boost their learner autonomy. 推动STEAM教育发展 Promoting STEAM Education In view of the rapid technological development, TWGHs secondary schools are keen on introducing technologies in teaching so that students are equipped to take on challenges ahead of them. TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College, TWGHs Mrs. Wu York Yu Memorial College and TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College took the lead in establishing 5G STEM Laboratories, creating an interactive environment and brand-new learning experience, in which students can focus on courses covering artificial intelligence, IoT, Python, virtual reality, augmented reality and so on. 随著科技发展,东华三院属下中学在不同教学层 面积极引入科技元素,让学生装备自己面对未来 的挑战。东华三院张明添中学、东华三院伍若瑜 夫人纪念中学及东华三院甲寅年总理中学率先设 立5G STEM教室,建立多元互动的环境,让学 生体验崭新学习模式,专注学习人工智能、物联 网、编程应用、虚拟实景及扩充实景等课程。 院属中学设立5G STEM 实验室 Establishing 5G STEM Laboratories in TWGHs Secondary Schools The Group is dedicated to the promotion of STEM education in secondary schools. With the hope of nurturing talents who are enthusiastic about innovation and technology, the Group adopts a two-pronged approach to provide schools with funds for enhancing STEM related hardware and encouraging students to participate in STEM contests and activities, such as the “Wu York Yu Ecosphere x STEM Technology Promenade Programme” organised by TWGHs Mrs. Wu York Yu Memorial College, the “STEM + Start Up Programme” organised by TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College and the “STEAM Forensic Science Programme” organised by TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College. 本院致力推动属下中学的STEM教育发展,双管 齐下,一方面拨款资助学校扩建STEM相关教学 硬件,另一方面积极鼓励学生参与STEM比赛及 活动,例如东华三院伍若瑜夫人纪念中学举办的 「伍若瑜生态园x STEM科技长廊发展计划」、 东华三院邱子田纪念中学举办的「STEM + Start Up体验计划」,以及东华三院马振玉纪念中学举 办的「STEAM鉴证科学普及计划」等,期望培养 出更多热爱创科的栋梁之材。 院属中学推动科学科技新设施 Promoting New Science and Technology Facilities in TWGHs Secondary Schools