2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 60 在东华三院李润田纪念中学进行课题《1919 年香港米粮短 缺与东华的粮食援助》试教。 A trial lesson of "1919 Shortage of Rice in Hong Kong and the Relief by Tung Wah" was conducted at TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College. 在东华三院李嘉诚中学进行东华三院德育计划拓展课程中二级中国历史 科课题 《东华三院的难民服务 1937-1941》的公开课。 A Form 2 Chinese History public lesson "Tung Wah Services for Refugees in 1937-1941" of TWGHs Moral Education Curriculum Extension Project was conducted at TWGHs Li Ka Shing College. The TWGHs Moral Education Extension Curriculum has been receiving generous donation from the public. When designing the teaching materials for the needs of the students, the TWGHs working team explored the issues from various perspectives, adopted a subjectcentred approach and infused the values, social perspectives and philosophy of life into the existing curriculum of Chinese Language and Humanities subjects. The working team designed teaching materials for 16 lessons and gave try-out lessons in TWGHs affiliated schools. In addition to critical discussion over the designs with experts and scholars, a review system was planned for the best quality of the curriculum. It is hoped that the teaching kit of the Moral Education Extension Curriculum can be published in the future and shared with schools across the territory. TWGHs kindergartens have proactively introduced creative learning aids and curricula from overseas. Among them, “Amazing Blocks” assists in developing children’s fine motor function, improving their logical-mathematical thinking, enhancing their knowledge in mechanical operations and nurturing their creativity. To strengthen students’ language proficiency and raise their interest in learning, our kindergartens introduced the “Amazing Pen” as a learning tool at school and at home. To better apply the “Amazing Pen” to the current kindergarten curriculum, native-speaking English teachers, native-speaking Putonghua teachers and local teachers prepared recorded materials. The application of the “Amazing Pen” aims at enhancing learning effectiveness through play, helping students adapt to teachers’ accents and correct pronunciations, and cultivating good virtues and positive values through character education. TWGHs kindergartens also introduced the “Amazing Robot” Curriculum. In order to enhance students' interest in learning as well as their presentation and communication skills, kindergarten teachers incorporated teaching content into different games and programmes, which include moral education, language, music and physical education, general knowledge and mathematics. 本院德育拓展课程计划持续获得社会人士捐款支 持,编写以学科为本的教材,协助学生从多角度 探讨事物,为现有中、小学中文科和人文学科课 程注入价值观、社会观和人生观,符合现今学生 的需要。本院有关的工作组已按计划编写16 课 的教材,并在本院属校试教。课程经过专家严谨 论证,本院拟订教材审视机制,期望课程精益求 精,并计划把课程推广到全港学校,出版教材套, 与院外人士分享成果。 本院幼稚园积极引入世界各地的创新教具及课 程,其中的「奇趣积木」课程训练幼儿的小肌肉 发展,加强数理逻辑思维,并增进幼儿对机械运 作的初步认识,以及培养他们的创意。 为增强学生语文能力及学习兴趣,本院幼稚园 引入点读笔作为学习教材,并把点读笔命名为 「Amazing Pen」。为了把「Amazing Pen」融入课 程中,本院幼稚园的外籍英语教师、普通话教师 及本地教师设计及准备录音教材,冀学生从游戏 中学习,并习惯聆听教师的口音及学习正确的发 音技巧,结合品德教育课程,从而培养良好品德 及正向价值观。 本院幼稚园亦引入「奇趣机械人」课程,各幼稚 园的教师将教学内容制成游戏程序,当中包括德 育、语文、音体、常识及数学等学习范畴,提升 学生的学习兴趣、表达及沟通能力。 积极推动东华三院德育拓展课程 东华三院幼稚园积极推行「奇趣课程」 Promoting TWGHs Moral Education Extension Curriculum Promoting Amazing Curriculum in TWGHs Kindergartens 学生享受「奇趣积木」的愉快学习过程。 Students enjoyed playing with the "Amazing Blocks". 学生以点读笔进行学习。 Students learned with the "Amazing Pen". 学生与「奇趣机械人」进行互动游戏。 Students interacted and played with the "Amazing Robot".