2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 61 TWGHs special schools received funding from the Board of Directors of TWGHs to support the artistic development of special school students. This year, the theme of Special Schools’ Art Education Programme was "Light and Shadow". Through collaboration with artists, students participated in various artistic creation activities, such as picture book creation, light board creation and neon lighting on acrylic board creation. Through the creation, students could develop their artistic potential, imagination, sense of space and creativity. This year’s Art Education Programme for Special Schools – Art Study Tour in Hong Kong was successfully held from 6 to 8 July 2022. The art tour includes visits to the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Art Lane Place, Tamar Park, Noah's Ark, Arts Park in West Kowloon Cultural District and M+ Museum. The objective of this study tour was to provide special school students with diverse learning experiences and exposure to different fields of artistic creation and foster their interest in arts. The Group was granted $16,927,400 by The Quality Education Fund in the academic year 2022/2023 for launching quality education projects. Details are listed in Appendix E7. 东华三院特殊学校获东华三院董事局拨款,积极 支持学生的艺术发展。本年度特殊学校校园艺术 教育计划的主题是「光与影」,学生与艺术家协 作,进行不同的艺术创作活动,如绘本创作、灯 牌创作及扭扭灯创作。透过创作,学生能发挥艺 术潜能,培养丰富的想象力、空间感及创造力。 本年度特殊学校校园艺术教育计划 — 香港艺术考 察团于2022年7月6日至7月8日顺利举行。三 天两夜的艺术考察团行程丰富,包括参观香港艺 术馆、艺里坊、添马公园、马湾挪亚方舟、西九 文化区艺术公园及M+博物馆。是次艺术考察团 为特殊学校学生提供多元学习体验,让学生有机 会接触到不同领域的艺术创作及培养艺术兴趣。 在2022/2023 学年,本院属校成功向优质教育基 金申请拨款16,927,400 元推行优质教育计划。各 计划详情列于附录E7。 东华三院特殊学校推展艺术教育 优质教育基金 Art Education in TWGHs Special Schools Quality Education Fund Project TWGHs Sin Chu Wan Primary School, TWGHs Tang Shiu Kin Primary School and TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School joined The Jockey Club Project Well-being in helping students achieve well-being through developing social and emotional skills, a positive mindset and resilience, and cultivating an enabling culture. The Project aims to orchestrate undertakings of promoting well-being in schools through comprehensive professional development, school improvement and culture building, placemaking with school-specific intervention approaches and ample opportunities for teachers and students engagement. 本院属下的东华三院冼次云小学、东华三院 邓肇坚小学及东华三院高可宁纪念小学透过参与 为期两年半的赛马会幸福校园实践计划,培养学 生的社交和情感技能、积极态度和坚毅精神,并 建立学生正向发展的文化。计划采用由下而上的 方式,透过全面的专业发展和学校改进工作、 环境营造等,致力推动以学校为本的介入策略和 方案。 赛马会幸福校园实践计划发展小学 正向教育 The Jockey Club Project Well-being: Place-making in Schools and Developing Positive Education in TWGHs Primary Schools 东华三院正向教育 TWGHs Positive Education 东华三院邓肇坚小学在校园的走廊设有表演区,学生可在 课余时间向同学们展示其学习或训练成果,除了获得实时 回馈外,亦学会互相欣赏,加强校园正向文化。 TWGHs Tang Shiu Kin Primary School set up a performing zone at the corridor. Students could give their performance to their peers in leisure time to receive instant feedback, achieve mutual appreciation and hence strengthen a positive culture in school. 属下小学亦强调家校合作,东华三院邓肇坚小学举办正向家长工作坊, 邀请家长一同参与校园的设计。 We emphasised home-school cooperation. TWGHs Tang Shiu Kin Primary School invited parents to participate in place making.