2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 68 To keep outstanding alumni connected with TWGHs and maintain an engaged alumni community of different cohorts of scholarship awardees, the Education Division of TWGHs continued to gather the updated contact information and employment information of our alumni. Associations of scholarship awardees would be set up to enhance the bonding between TWGHs and outstanding alumni. 为保持本院与东华三院杰出校友的联系,并维持 由不同奖学金得奖者组成的活跃校友社区,本院 教育科积极收集校友的最新联系资料和当前就业 信息,并成立奖学金得奖者协会。 六位在英国留学的东华三院校友包括梁恺俊( 右一)、余沛聪( 右二)、柯勋耀( 右 三)、黎智聪( 左三)、丁海铧( 左二) 和吴俊熙( 左一) 于伦敦聚会。 Six TWGHs alumni who are currently studying in the UK, including Dennis LEUNG (right 1), Solomon YU (right 2), Alex O (right 3), Joe LAI (left 3), Johnson TING (left 2) and Jerry NG (left 1), gathered in London. 东华三院杰出学生奖暨香港中学文凭试 考试优异成绩奖颁奖礼 Prize Presentation Ceremony for TWGHs Student of the Year Awards cum HKDSE Outstanding Awards 学生成就 Student Achievements The Prize Presentation Ceremony for TWGHs Student of the Year Awards cum HKDSE Outstanding Awards 2022 was held at TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College on 30 July 2022 in recognition of TWGHs students with outstanding performance and achievement in academic, conduct, extracurricular activities and services. A total of 89 students from TWGHs secondary schools, primary schools, special schools and kindergartens were selected as Students of the Year. Furthermore, a total of 1,574 TWGHs secondary school students attended the HKDSE in 2022. Among them, 70.8% attained Level 2 in 5 subjects, including the Chinese language and the English language, which met the requirements for the “Joint University Programmes Admission System” (JUPAS) Sub-degree Programme. The percentage was largely level with the average ratio of 71.3% for day school candidates in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, 40.5% of TWGHs students met the general entrance requirements for the admission to local bachelor’s degree programmes under JUPAS, higher than the average ratio of 36.7% for day school candidates in Hong Kong. 为表扬在学业成绩、品行、课外活动及服务等各 方面均有杰出表现的属校学生,本院在2022 年7 月30 日于东华三院黄笏南中学举行东华三院杰 出学生奖暨香港中学文凭考试优异成绩奖颁奖礼 2022,共有89 名来自本院属下中学、小学、特 殊学校及幼稚园的学生获选为杰出学生。 另外,本院共有1,574 名考生参加2022 年度的 香港中学文凭考试,当中百分之七十点八考生获 得5 科( 包括中、英文科) 第二级成绩,合资格 申请报读「大学联合招生办法」本地大学副学士学 位课程,与全港日校考生的平均百分之七十一点 三比率相约;另有百分之四十点五考生取得入读 「大学联合招生办法」本地大学学士学位课程的 资格,较全港日校考生的平均百分之三十六点 七高。 属校学生负笈著名学府 TWGHs Students Pursue Studies in Renowned Universities TWGHs Man Mo Temple Scholarship for Overseas Studies aims to support outstanding TWGHs graduates with financial needs to pursue tertiary education in renowned universities around the world. 东华三院文武庙作育英才海外奖学金资助表现优 秀且有经济需要的院属毕业生负笈世界顶尖学府 接受高等教育。 马清扬主席( 上排中)、曾庆业副主席( 上排右)、行政总监苏祐安先生( 第 二排左)、本科代表与历届「东华三院文武庙作育英才海外奖学金」奖学金 得奖者会面,了解他们过去一年在英国的学习状况及未来生活所需。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (upper row, centre), the Chairman, Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (upper row, right), Vice-Chairman, Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (second row, left), Chief Executive, and the Division's representative met the previous awardees of "TWGHs Man Mo Temple Scholarship for Overseas Studies" to know more about their studies in the United Kingdom over the past year and their needs in the future. 学业以外表现 Non-academic Performance of Students To promote all-round development, students of our secondary schools are encouraged and supported by the schools to participate in various local and international competitions in different areas of sports and arts. With their sustained efforts and their tenacious attitude, some of them have attained remarkable achievements. Their awards are listed in the "Awards and Honours" Chapter as well as Appendixes AH1 and E9. 为促进全人教育的发展,本院中学积极鼓励及支 持学生参与本地及外地举行不同范畴的体育与艺 术比赛。凭著持续不懈的努力及永不言弃的精 神,本院学生屡获佳绩,所获奖项分别详列于 「奖项及殊荣」章节及附录AH1 及E9。