2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 69 「星语童游」亲子技巧训练课程 JC A-Connect: Caregiver Skills Training Programme “My Way” Project on Life Planning for Secondary Schools Students 学生支援服务 Student Support Services Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre launched the 2-year “JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network 24-month Extension for Phase II – Caregiver Skills Training Programme” in August 2021. The Programme aims to support parents of children with autism spectrum disorder or developmental disorders/ delays and to enhance their parent-child interactive skills. The project includes enhancing the training manual, providing professional training, conducting caregiver training groups and developing parent-child playsets. TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre was funded by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and Youth Development Commission for launching the “‘My Way’ Project on Life Planning for Secondary Schools Students” and “Individual Study and Career Support Service for Secondary School Students and Leavers” from September 2022 to August 2025 in support of 17 TWGHs secondary schools’ life planning service development. The Project collaborated with 35 organisations of various natures and provided students with workplace experience opportunities. Students are expected to gain hands-on work experiences, broaden their horizons and improve their awareness and motivation for career planning. 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心获香港赛马会 慈善信托基金捐助,于2021 年8 月开展为期两 年的亲子技巧训练课程,以提升家长管教自闭症 幼儿的能力。计划包括优化课程、培训导师、开 办照顾者小组及开发亲子玩具套装。 「My Way」中学生生涯发展教育计划 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心获民政及青年 事务局青年生涯规划活动资助计划(2022/2025) 拨款,于2022年9月至2025年8月间开展「『My Way』中学生生涯发展教育计划」及「中学生∕离 校生个人升学和就业支援服务」,支援院属17 所 中学发展生涯发展教育服务。计划同时邀请35 间不同性质的商业机构合作,让学生亲身体验职 场现况,拓展个人视野,提高对未来职涯规划的 意识和动力。 情绪GPS-自闭症青少年情绪调节技能 计划 GPS to Emotion Regulation Programme for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Funded by the Quality Education Fund, TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre commenced the two-year project “GPS to ER – Emotion Regulation Programme for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in January 2021, aiming at developing a manual of emotion regulation group training for adolescents with ASD, which incorporates Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The participating students can learn effective emotion regulation strategies to achieve mental well-being. Two sharing seminars were conducted in November 2022 with over 700 professionals attending. The Project team will publish the manual to all secondary schools in order to encourage more professionals to raise the awareness of the emotional needs of adolescents with ASD. 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心获得优质教育 基金拨款,于2021 年1 月开始推行为期两年的 「情绪GPS-自闭症青少年情绪调节技能计划」, 旨在发展一套结合辩证行为治疗及接纳与承诺疗 法的自闭症青少年情绪调节小组训练教材套。学 生参与计划后,能运用更多有效的应对策略来调 节情绪并维持心理健康。计划于2022 年11 月举 办两场发布会,向七百多位专业人士分享计划 的成果,计划所出版的教材套会派发到全港中 学,鼓励更多专业人士关注自闭症青少年的情绪 需要。 中学生社交技能发展GPS计划 参与「赛马会喜跃悦动计划」 GPS to Social Development for Secondary Students Project Participating in “Jockey Club Kindling Active Kids Project” for Students with Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity-Disorder (ADHD) In September 2022, TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre launched the “GPS to Social Development for Secondary Students” Project with the funding of the Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks. The Project aims to promote students’ social skills development and provide professional training for teachers. TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre was funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to provide school-based support through empirical-based interventions to the students with ADHD for two consecutive school years from 2021/2022 to 2022/2023. A total of 72 support programmes were provided to the students with ADHD to train their social-emotional, self-regulation and problem-solving skills. 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心获优质教育基 金资助,于2022 年9 月开展「中学生社交技能 发展GPS」优质教育基金主题网络计划,旨在推 动初中生的社交技能发展,以及为教师提供专业 训练。 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心获得赛马会慈 善信托基金资助,于2021/2022 至2022/2023 学 年参与赛马会喜跃悦动计划,为有专注力不足∕ 过度活跃症的中、小学生提供校本支援服务。计 划于两年内提供72 组的支援服务,增强专注力 不足∕过度活跃症学生的情绪社交、自我控制及 解难能力。