2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

教育服务 EDUCATION SERVICES 70 为就读于普通中、小学有自闭症的学生 提供有系统的小组训练及人际网络支援 服务 Provision of Structured Small Group Training and Transactional Support Services for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre provided a total of 135 support programmes to the students with ASD in the 2022/2023 school year, covering 16 TWGHs schools. School personnel and parents said the programmes could relieve their stress and promote students’ personal growth. 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心于2022/2023 学年为有自闭症学生提供135 个小组服务,当中 包括16 所院属中、小学。学校人员及家长均表 示计划能够帮助学童成长,亦能纾缓他们管教 压力。 「脑」力教出情绪智能计划 Brain-based Emotion Coaching Parenting Programme The Project “Brain-based Emotion Coaching Parenting Programme”, funded by the Bank of China (Hong Kong), participated in the Wofoo Asian Award for Advancing Family Well-Being (Wofoo 3A Project) 2022, organised by Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region (CIFA). After a keen competition with 23 teams from different regions in Asia, the Project team received the “Silver Award” and the “My Favourite Project” award at the CIFA Regional Symposium & MSF Asian Family Conference on 9 November 2022 in Singapore. The Project is the first evidence-based parenting programme in Hong Kong that incorporates neuroscience, emotion coaching skills and caregivers’ mindful selfcompassion. It is empirically validated to be effective in alleviating parenting stress, enhancing emotion coaching skills of parents and reducing emotional-behavioural difficulties among children. 由中国银行( 香港) 资助的何玉清教育心理服 务中心「脑」力教出情绪智能计划,早前参加 由亚洲区家庭研究联盟主办、于新加坡举行的 「2022和富亚洲杰出家庭工作计划大奖」比赛,与 23 支来自亚洲不同地区的队伍作赛并于2022 年 11 月9 日在新加坡举行的决赛中脱颖而出,夺得 银奖及我最喜爱计划奖。该计划为本地首个实证 为本、结合脑科学知识、情绪启导技巧与自我关 怀的家长课程,有效地减低亲职压力,提升家长 应对幼儿情绪的技巧,并且减少幼儿的情绪行为 问题。 「家校齐家教」计划 “Strategic Work in Parent Education in Mental Health” Project Since 2020, the “Strategic Work in Parent Education in Mental Health” project has developed an age-appropriate parenting curriculum for primary schools. The parenting curriculum was rooted in the mental health support framework validated by the Queen Mary Hospital Psychiatry Team. Funded by the Lee Hysan Foundation, Kerry Group and the Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation, the Project entered Phase 2 for the 2022 - 2024 school years and extended its service provision from 6 to 12 primary schools, including the TWGHs Sin Chu Wan Primary School, TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School, TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School and TWGHs Tang Shiu Kin Primary School. 自2020 年,「家校齐家教」计划发展一套能配合 本地小学生不同成长阶段需要的家长教育课程, 课程由玛丽医院儿童及青少年精神科团队根据心 理健康框架制定。计划先后得到利希慎基金,嘉 里集团及伍絜宜慈善基金有限公司捐助,于2022 - 2024 学年踏入第二阶段,计划服务的小学由6 所增至12 所,包括本院冼次云小学、马锦灿纪 念小学、王余家洁纪念小学及邓肇坚小学。 东华 x 中银绿色气候先锋青年领袖计划 Tung Wah x BOCHK Green Climate Pioneer Youth Leadership Programme Sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, the Programme aims to deepen our students’ understanding of climate change, inspire them to make innovative reforms through “design thinking” and develop their leadership skills. The Launch Ceremony cum Appointment Ceremony was held on 13 October 2022. 是项计划承蒙中国银行( 香港) 资助,为期一年, 旨在加深本院学生对气候变化的认识,引导他们 运用「设计思维」寻找解决气候变化的方案,并 培养他们成为年轻领袖。计划于2022 年10 月13 日举行起动礼暨委任典礼。 采电学社:学校及非政府福利机构 太阳能支援计划 Solar Harvest - Solar Energy Support Scheme for Schools and Welfare Non-Governmental Organisations 推动环保教育 Promoting Green Education “Solar Harvest” is a programme introduced by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department to promote the development of local renewable energy. It provides funding and one-stop service to help eligible schools and welfare NGOs install small-scale solar PV systems at their premises so that they can join the Feed-in Tariff Scheme operated by the 2 local power companies. As at 30 November 2022, 24 schools, including 11 secondary schools, 10 primary schools and 3 special schools, were successfully accepted by the Programme. 「采电学社」是机电工程署推动本地可再生能源发 展的一项计划。计划为合资格学校和非政府福利 机构提供资助和一站式服务,协助它们在其处所 安装小型太阳能光伏系统,从而参加本地两间电 力公司推行的上网电价计划。截至2022 年11 月 30 日,本院属下24 所学校获接纳加入计划,包 括11 所中学、10 所小学及3 所特殊学校。