2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 83 东华三院「奔向共融」— 香港赛马会特殊马拉松 TWGHs "iRun" – The Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon Due to the 5th wave of COVID-19, TWGHs "iRun" – The Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2022 (“iRun 2022”) was postponed to 23 October 2022. Theme for iRun 2022 was "Overcome Adversity and Run for Community Inclusion". 400 iRunners from various rehabilitation service units and special schools joined the Marathon with their buddies. iRun 2022 was an accredited event celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. TWGHs "iRun" – The Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2023 (“iRun 2023”) was held on 8 January 2023 at Tamar Park, Lung Wo Road and the Central and Western District Promenade (Central Section and Wanchai Section). The Hon. CHAN Mo Po, Paul, GBM, GBS, MH, JP, the Financial Secretary, Dr. LI Ka Cheung, Eric, GBS, OBE, JP, Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Hon. CHENG Wing Shun, Vincent, MH, JP, the Chairman of Panel on Home Affairs, Culture and Sports of the Legislative Council, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, and Mr. SO Wa Wai, BBS, MH, the Inclusion Ambassadors of iRun, officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony. Nearly 2,000 intellectually disabled runners over the age of 12 from different rehabilitation institutions and special schools in Hong Kong participated in the event together with their pair-up runners. 受第五波疫情影响,东华三院「奔向共融」— 香港赛马会特殊马拉松2022 延至2022 年10 月23 日举行,以「跑过逆境、奔向共融」为主 题,共有400 名来自本港不同复康机构和特殊 学校的iRun跑手和伴跑员参加。活动亦是庆 祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年的其中一项认 可活动。 东华三院「奔向共融」—香港赛马会特殊马拉 松2023 于2023 年1 月8 日在添马公园、龙和 道及中西区海滨长廊( 中环及湾仔段) 举行, 是次起步礼由财政司司长陈茂波大紫荆勋贤 GBS, MH太平绅士、香港赛马会副主席李家祥 博士GBS, OBE太平绅士、立法会民政及文化 体育事务委员会主席郑泳舜MH太平绅士、 马清扬主席及东华三院「共融大使」苏桦伟 BBS, MH一同主持。近2,000 名来自本港不同 复康机构和特殊学校12 岁以上的智障跑手和 伴跑员参与活动,场面热闹。 于香港赛马会特殊马拉松2023,财政司司长陈茂波大紫荆勋 贤GBS, MH 太平绅士( 左二) 致送纪念品予香港赛马会副主席 李家祥博士GBS, OBE 太平绅士( 右二),并由马清扬主席( 右 一) 及社会服务委员会主任委员曾庆业副主席( 左一) 陪同。 The Hon. CHAN Mo Po, Paul, GBM, GBS, MH, JP (left 2), the Financial Secretary, presented a souvenir to Dr. LI Ka Cheung, Eric, GBS, OBE, JP (right 2), Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, accompanied by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 1), the Chairman, and Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (left 1), Vice Chairman cum Chairman of the Community Services Committee, at iRun 2023. 香港赛马会特殊马拉松2022 由财政司副司长黄伟纶GBS 太平绅 士( 中)、香港赛马会副主席李家祥博士GBS, OBE 太平绅士( 左 一) 及马清扬主席( 右一) 担任主礼嘉宾。 The Hon. WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP (centre), Deputy Financial Secretary, Dr. LI Ka Cheung, Eric, GBS, OBE, JP (left 1) Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 1), the Chairman, officiated at the Opening Ceremony of iRun 2022. 主礼嘉宾及董事局成员出席支持 东华三院「奔向共融」— 香港赛 马会特殊马拉松2023。 Officiating guests and Board members attended in support of TWGHs "iRun" – The Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2023.