2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

社会服务 COMMUNITY SERVICES 86 透过进行研究、会议、海外视 察及交流计划,提升专业形象 及水平 Enhancing Professional Image and Capability through Researches, Conferences, Overseas Visits and Attachment Programmes 「园艺治疗应用于残疾人士之成效研究」 网上发布会 东华三院复康服务部与前香港理工大学康复治疗 科学系萧敏康教授及其团队,就园艺治疗应用于 残疾人士开展成效研究,在2020 年10 月至2021 年7 月期间,为智障人士、肢体残障人士、精神 病康复者分别举行了6 组活动。成效研究报告发 布会于2022年6月14日以网上形式举行。当日, 先由开南大学健康照护管理学院郭毓仁教授介绍 园艺治疗、萧教授阐释研究成效,再由不同服务 单位的园艺治疗师分享举办园艺治疗活动的实务 安排,会上反应热烈。 Sharing of "Research on Efficacy of Horticultural Therapy Application to People with Disabilities" by Zoom In collaboration with Dr. Andrew SIU, former professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, TWGHs Rehabilitation Services Section studied the effect of the application of horticultural therapy to people with disabilities. In total, 6 horticultural groups were conducted respectively for people with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities and those recovered from mental illness between October 2020 and July 2021. The research sharing session was organised via Zoom on 14 June 2022, where Dr. KUO Yu Jen from School of Healthcare Management, Kainan University, introduced the theory of Horticultural Therapy, Dr. Andrew SIU explained his research findings, and the Group’s Horticultural Therapists shared their operational practice and experiences, all receiving an overwhelming response. 智障人士学习如何照料植物。 People with disabilities learnt how to take care of the plants in the garden. 分享嘉宾及职员解答参加者提问。 Guest speakers and staff responded to enquires. 《失智智障人士生活同行锦囊》发布会 Conference for the Guidebook People with Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia — Life Companion Tips 东华三院复康服务部的跨专业团队制作《失智智 障人士生活同行锦囊》,提出建议训练和方法给 智障人士照顾者参考,帮助失智智障人士减少及 延缓失智症所带来的影响、维持现有功能及提 升生活质素,以纾缓照顾者的压力。发布会于 2023 年3 月3 日举行,由香港理工大学助理教授 ( 研究) 徐志文博士讲解《失智智障人士生活同行 锦囊》对于照顾者的实证助益,逾200 位相关机 构同工及公众人士出席参与。 The multi-disciplinary team of TWGHs Rehabilitation Services Section published the guidebook People with Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia — Life Companion Tips which advising caregivers on suggested training and methods for helping people with intellectual disabilities and dementia to reduce and delay the impact of dementia, maintain their existing functions and improve their quality of life so as to relieve the stress on caregivers. The Conference was held on 3 March 2023. Dr. TSUI Chi Man, Research Assistant Professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, explained how the guidebook could benefit caregivers with empirical evidence. Over 200 participants from various organisations and the general public attended the conference. 香港理工大学康复治疗科学系助理教授( 研究) 徐志文博士( 右三) 与本院社 会服务科同事合照 Group photo of Dr. TSUI Chi Man (right 3), Research Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and colleagues of TWGHs Community Services Division