2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 97 一众演艺红星为晚会落力演出,为本院筹募经费。 Singers and artists gave superb performance in the TV Show as they worked together to raise funds for the development of TWGHs services. 筹委会主席马清扬主席( 左二) 为TVB YouTube channel 及TVB Facebook 专页网上直播揭开序幕。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 2), the Chairman cum Chairman of the Organising Committee, unveiled the plaque at the opening ceremony of livestreaming on the TVB YouTube channel and the TVB Facebook page. 主礼嘉宾 Guest of Honour 筹备委员会Organising Committee 民政及青年事务局局长麦美娟SBS太平绅士 The Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs 主席Chairman 委员Members 韦浩文副主席Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman, Vice-Chairman 邓明慧副主席Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy, Vice-Chairman 何猷启副主席Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando, Vice-Chairman 马清扬主席Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman 马清扬主席( 左) 代表东华三院接受由大会司仪汪明荃博士GBS ( 右) 代表胡李名静女士致送的善款支票。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left), the Chairman, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from Mrs. Kitty WOO, represented by Dr. Liza WANG, GBS (right), Host of the TV Charity Show. 民政及青年事务局局长麦美娟SBS太平绅士( 左) 代表东华三院 接受由大生地产发展有限公司副主席马清扬先生( 右) 致送的善 款支票。 The Hon. MAK Mei Kuen Alice, SBS, JP, (left), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from Tai Sang Land Development Limited, represented by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right), Vice-Chairman of Tai Sang Land Development Limited.