2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 100 马清扬主席( 右一) 代表东华三院接受由六福集团执行董事兼副 行政总裁黄兰诗女士( 左一) 代表致送的善款支票,并由盖鸣晖 小姐( 右二) 及吴美英小姐( 左二) 陪同。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 1), the Chairman, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from Lukfook Group, represented by Ms. Nancy WONG (left 1), Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Lukfook Group, accompanied by Ms. Joyce KOI (right 2) and Ms. May NG (left 2). 何猷启副主席( 左) 代表东华三院接受由东华三院前任总理 冯敬安先生( 右) 代表冯黄凤亭家族致送的善款支票。 Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando (left), Vice-Chairman, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from the family of Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting, represented by Mr. Derrick FUNG (right), former TWGHs Director. 曾庆业副主席(左)代表东华三院接受由大会司仪黎芷珊小姐(右) 代表宋陈碧桃女士致送的善款支票。 Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (left), Vice-Chairman, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from Mrs. Momoko SUNG, represented by Ms. Luisa Maria LEITÃO (right), Host of the TV Charity Show. 邓明慧副主席(右)代表东华三院接受由大会司仪麦美恩小姐(左) 代表马振玉慈善基金致送的善款支票。 Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy (right), Vice-Chairman, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from CYMA Charity Fund, represented by Ms. Mayanne MAK (left), Host of the TV Charity Show. 马清扬主席 ( 右一) 代表东华三院接受由啬色园主席马泽华先生 MH,CStJ ( 左一) 代表致送的善款支票,并由盖鸣晖小姐 ( 右二) 及吴美英小姐 ( 左二) 陪同。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 1), the Chairman, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from Sik Sik Yuen, represented by Mr. MA Chak Wa, Stephen, MH, CStJ (left 1), the Chairman of Sik Sik Yuen, accompanied by Ms. Joyce KOI (right 2) and Ms. May NG (left 2). 马清扬主席( 左) 代表东华三院接受由LGT皇家银行董事总经理 杨珊珊女士( 右) 代表LGT皇家银行致送的善款支票。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left), the Chairman, received on behalf of TWGHs a donation cheque from LGT Private Banking, represented by Ms. Dinasa YEUNG (right), Managing Director of LGT Private Banking.