2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 103 Wai Yuen Tong · Apex Ace jointly present: TWGHs Charity Golf Tournament at Hong Kong Golf Club was held at the Fanling Golf Course of Hong Kong Golf Club on 24 February 2023, with Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP, Non-official Member of the Executive Council as the Guest of Honour. The Tournament attracted over 100 players, who gathered to raise funds for TWGHs Development Fund of Kwong Wah Hospital Redevelopment Project. 位元堂 · 光丽科技控股携手呈献:东华三院 · 香港哥尔夫球会 · 慈善高球赛于2023 年2 月24 日假香港哥尔夫球会粉岭高尔夫球场举行,邀得 行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士 出任主礼嘉宾,逾百位球手及嘉宾一同参与,为 「东华三院广华医院重建发展基金」筹募经费。 位元堂 · 光丽科技控股携手 呈献:东华三院 · 香港哥尔夫 球会 · 慈善高球赛 Wai Yuen Tong · Apex Ace jointly present: TWGHs Charity Golf Tournament at Hong Kong Golf Club 主礼嘉宾行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士( 右二)、马清扬主席( 左一)、筹备委员会主席暨冠名赞助人位元堂药厂有限 公司代表麦邓蕙敏总理( 右一) 及筹委会联席主席暨冠名赞助人光丽科技控股有限公司代表李泽浩总理( 左二) 主持开球仪式。 Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP (right 2), Non-official Member of the Executive Council, the Guest of Honour, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 1), the Chairman, Mrs. MAK TANG Wai Man, Vivian (right 1), Director, Chairman of the Organising Committee cum the representative of Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Company Limited, the Title Sponsor, and Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael (left 2), Director, Co-Chairman of the Organising Committee cum the representative of Apex Ace Holding Limited, the Title Sponsor, officiated at the Tee-off Ceremony. 行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS 太平绅士( 左一)、 马清扬主席( 右一)、冠名赞助代表麦邓蕙敏总理( 右二) 及 李泽浩总理( 左二) 合照 Group photo of Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP (left 1), Nonofficial Member of the Executive Council, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 1), the Chairman, and Title Sponsors represented by Mrs. MAK TANG Wai Man, Vivian (right 2), Director, and Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael (left 2), Director 马清扬主席( 左四) 与主礼嘉宾、冠名赞助人代表、场地赞助人代表及筹备委员会成员合照 Group photo of Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 4), the Chairman, Guest of Honour, representatives of the Title Sponsor, representative of the Venue Sponsor and Members of the Organising Committee 筹备委员会Organising Committee 主礼嘉宾 Guest of Honour 主席Chairman 联席主席 Co-Chairman 委员Members 李泽浩总理 Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael, Director 韦浩文副主席 Mr. WAI Ho Man, Herman, Vice-Chairman 邓明慧副主席 Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy, Vice-Chairman 姚铨浩总理 Mr. CJ YAO, Director 张瑞燊总理 Mr. Victor CHANG, Director 杨焯兴总理 Mr. YEUNG Cheuk Hing, Jacky, Director 陈智豪总理 Mr. CHAN Chi Ho, Allen, Director 麦邓蕙敏总理 Mrs. MAK TANG Wai Man, Vivian, Director 行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士 Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP, Non-official Member of the Executive Council