2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

筹募工作 FUND-RAISING 109 2022/2023年度筹款总收入为港币4亿2,800万元, 其中包括以下各项筹款活动: Total donations raised for the year 2022/2023 were $428 million, which included, among others, the following items: 董事局就职贺礼捐款 Donation in Lieu of Gifts for the Inauguration of the Board of Directors 东华三院 · 金银业贸易场 · 香港保龄球总会慈善保龄球大赛 TWGHs · CGSE · HKTBC Charity Bowling Tournament 社会服务单位义卖活动 Charity Sales at TWGHs Community Services Units 欢乐满东华2022 Tung Wah Charity Gala 2022 「殡仪基金」捐款计划 Funeral Fund Donation Scheme 东华三院呈献:香港汽车会主办庆祝特区成立25 周年港珠澳大桥汽车巡游 TWGHs proudly presents: HKAA "HZM Bridge Car Parade" in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR 东华三院慈善奖券 TWGHs Charity Raffle 屋邨屋苑筹款比赛及其它筹款活动 Public and Private Housing Estates Fund-raising Competitions and Related Fund-raising Activities 雅格酒店诚意呈献:东华三院NFT Marketplace 慈善拍卖暨艺术展览 the Arca proudly presents: TWGHs NFT Marketplace Charity Bidding cum Art Exhibition 位元堂 · 光丽科技控股携手呈献:东华三院 · 香港哥尔夫球会 · 慈善高球赛 Wai Yuen Tong · Apex Ace jointly present: TWGHs Charity Golf Tournament at Hong Kong Golf Club 义载筹款 Charity Rides 东华三院卖旗日2022 TWGHs Flag Day 2022 「东华之友」月捐计划 "Friends of Tung Wah" Monthly Donation Scheme 慈善晚会 TV Show 何文法纪念基金呈献:东华三院慈善粤剧晚会 Ho Man Fat Memorial Foundation presents: TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera 东华三院152 周年慈善晚宴「畅游世界」 TWGHs 152nd Anniversary Charity Dinner · Travel Around the World 「爱东华 · 捐诊金」中医筹款日 Charity Chinese Medicine Consultation Day 信善紫阙玄观重光五十周年诚意呈献:「爱心满东华」免费医疗服务捐助计划 Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon 50th Anniversary proudly sponsors: Free Medical Services Donation Scheme 「杏林之友」月捐计划 Medical Services Monthly Donation Scheme HKT全力赞助:东华三院慈善粤剧专场《修罗殿》 HKT proudly sponsors: TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera Show The Asura Judgement 2,676 3,000 5,193 4,164 2,016 2,438 7,047 3,948 3,367 7,354 9,062 126,889 430 116,714 4,565 4,100 11,956 2,076 3,752 260 1. 13. 7. 19. 4. 16. 10. 2. 14. 8. 5. 17. 11. 3. 15 . 9. 6. 18. 12. Total Funds Raised in 2022/2023 (Projected) 2022/2023年度善款收入摘要( 预计) 以千元计 in $ Thousand 以千元计 in $ Thousand