2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

历史文化保育PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 历史文化保育 PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 123 活动及计划 Events and Projects “Tales of the Distant Past: Global Charitable Network” Talk Series 「怀善披远:寰球慈善网络」讲座系列 东华三院文物馆首次与香港历史博物馆合作, 举办「怀善披远:寰球慈善网络」讲座系列,于 2022 年6 月至8 月在香港历史博物馆演讲厅举 行,网上同步直播。讲座邀得著名学者透过华人 出洋、「万善缘胜会」及东华义庄服务3个主题, 讲述东华三院寰球慈善网络的形成及其对香港和 世界的意义。 The 1st talk series co-organised by Tung Wah Museum and the Hong Kong Museum of History, namely “Tales of the Distant Past: Global Charitable Network” was held at the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Museum of History from June to August 2022, with online streaming available. Renowned historians were invited to present talks on Chinese migration, “Yulan Festival Mass Ritual” and services of Tung Wah Coffin Home, elaborating the development of the global charitable network of the Group and its significance to Hong Kong and the rest of the world. As the most long-standing Chinese charitable organisation across the territory, TWGHs has been providing Hong Kong citizens with diversified services in response to their needs. While its unique history reflects the societal development of Hong Kong, TWGHs also plays a special role in bringing together Chinese people around the world. Over the years, TWGHs endeavours to preserve, compile and research into its history. 东华三院是香港历史最悠久的华人慈善机构,提供多元化的服务回应市民需要。东华三院的历史 独一无二,既反映香港社会发展历程,也展现联系世界华人的特殊角色。多年来,本院致力保存、 整理和研究机构历史。 To meet public aspiration for preserving local heritage, the Group established the Records and Heritage Office (the Office) in 2010 to strengthen its commitment in cultural heritage preservation. The Office manages Tung Wah Museum and the TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre. By promoting heritage conservation and providing cultural services, the Office is responsible for safeguarding, opening up and sharing the heritage of TWGHs. 为回应公众对本地历史文化及文物保育的殷切期望,东华三院于2010 年成立档案及历史文化 办公室( 办公室),加强机构对文化及文物保育的承担。办公室管理东华三院文物馆及东华三院 何超蕸档案及文物中心,透过推广文物保育及提供文化服务,肩负保护、开发及分享东华三院历 史文化的职责。 东 华 三 院 文 物 馆