2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

公共服务 TRADITIONAL SERVICES 131 The annual Autumn Sacrificial Rites 2022 was held on 20 October 2022 at TWGHs Man Mo Temple. Mr. HO Sai Chu, GBM, GBS, JP, Chairman of 1964/1965, accompanied by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, and Board Members, officiated at the Ceremony and performed the rites, while Prof. CHOW Chun Kay, Stephen, GBS, JP, Chairman 2001/2002, read the sacrificial odes and Mr. YU Shiu Tin, Paul, BBS, JP, Chairman 1988/1989, acted as the Master of the Ceremonies. Organised since 1957, the Autumn Sacrificial Rites boasts a long history and carries a profound meaning in Chinese traditional culture. Upholding the spirit of traditional custom inheritance, TWGHs held the Autumn Sacrificial Rites despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has been lingering for 3 years. In consideration of the epidemic prevention, the Autumn Sacrificial Rites was again held as a closed-door event in 2022. Worshippers could participate in the rites through livestreaming on TWGHs Facebook Page. 本院于2022 年10 月20 日于东华三院文武庙举 行每年一度的秋祭典礼,邀得东华三院甲辰年主 席何世柱大紫荆勋贤GBS太平绅士主祭,马清 扬主席暨全体董事局成员陪祭,并由辛巳年主席 周振基教授 GBS太平绅士担任颂祝者,而戊辰年 主席余啸天 BBS太平绅士则担任赞礼者。 秋祭大典自1957年起举办,秉承中国文化传统, 由来已久,意义深远。在第三年受到新冠疫情的 影响下,东华三院仍争取举办秋祭典礼,以秉承 传统习俗。为遵循疫情防控措施,2022 年的典 礼继续以闭门形式举行,市民可透过东华三院 Facebook 专页网上直播参与典礼过程。 东华三院文武庙壬寅年秋祭典礼 Autumn Sacrificial Rites 2022 at TWGHs Man Mo Temple 马清扬主席( 前排左三) 带领董事局成员及嘉宾进行天后贺诞参神仪式,祝愿香港风调雨顺。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (front row, left 3), the Chairman, Board Members and guests performed the rite and wished for the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. 典礼由甲辰年主席何世柱大紫荆勋贤GBS太平绅士( 左图中) 担任主祭,并由辛巳年主席周振基教授GBS太平绅士( 左图左) 任颂祝者, 以及戊辰年主席余啸天BBS太平绅士( 左图右) 任赞礼者。马清扬主席( 右图,左六) 及董事局成员陪祭。 Accompanied by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right photo, left 6), the Chairman, and Board Members, Mr. HO Sai Chu, GBM, GBS, JP (left photo, centre), Chairman 1964/1965, presided over the Rites as the Chief Celebrant, while Prof. CHOW Chun Kay, Stephen, GBS, JP (left photo, left), Chairman 2001/2002, presented the sacrificial odes, and Mr. YU Shiu Tin, Paul, BBS, JP (left photo, right), Chairman 1988/1989, acted as the Master of the Ceremonies. To celebrate Tin Hau’s birthday and pass on the local traditional culture, the “Tin Hau Fest! Yaumatei 2022” was held on 23 April 2022, with Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, and Board Members performing a rite to express gratitude to Tin Hau and pray for her blessings for everyone in Hong Kong. In consideration of the epidemic, the ritual was held as a closed-door event. 本年度「油麻地天后诞」于2022年4月23日举行, 以庆祝天后娘娘诞辰和传承本地传统文化。因应 疫情,参神仪式以闭门形式进行,邀得马清扬 主席及一众董事局成员出席,以庆祝天后娘娘诞 辰和为广大市民祈福。 壬寅年油麻地天后诞 Tin Hau Fest! Yaumatei 2022