2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 133 TWGHs is a well-established charitable organisation in Hong Kong, providing a wide range of medical and health, education, community and traditional services for the general public. The Group undertakes its corporate social responsibility by promoting environmental protection and community welfare development, incorporating public interest in its policies and services, and fulfilling the diverse needs of the people in Hong Kong, with a view to building a harmonious society. 作为全港最具规模的慈善服务机构,东华三院除了为广大市民提供适切的医疗衞生、教育、 社会及公共服务外,还积极履行企业社会责任,推动环境保护及社会公益发展。在制订政策 及推行服务时,本院亦会充分考虑公众利益,照顾大众所需,以达致构建和谐社会的目标。 As a green organisation, TWGHs is committed to fulfilling its social responsibilities and pursuing full implementation of environmental policy in its medical and health, education, community and traditional services. TWGHs became the first non-governmental organisation (NGO) green partner in the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) in 2009. The recognition made TWGHs an exemplary role model in the field, which has since inspired more NGOs to enroll as green partners. 作为一间绿色机构,东华三院承诺全力履行企业 社会责任,在医疗衞生、教育、社会及公共服务 各方面的运行上全面推行环境政策。东华三院于 2009 年成为环境及自然保育基金( 环保基金) 的 首个非政府机构绿色伙伴,为业界树立典范,令 更多非政府机构加入绿色伙伴行列。 绿色机构 Green Organisation 绿色机构活动Green Organisation Campaigns 东华三院行政总部是本院的绿色典范,一向积极 推行各项环保措施,因而荣获由环境运动委员 会、环境保护署及9 间机构联合颁授的「香港绿 色机构认证」,表扬东华三院在绿色管理和推行 环保措施上的卓越成就,以及在 环保方面所作出的贡献及承诺。 此外,东华三院行政总部已实施 ISO 14001:2015 环境管理体系和 ISO 50001:2018 能源管理体系, 以实践对环境保护的承诺及持续 改进。 The TWGHs Administration Headquarters, as the TWGHs green role model, has been implementing comprehensive green initiatives for years. The Administration Headquarters was recognised with a “Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification” issued by the Environmental Campaign Committee, the Environmental Protection Department and 9 organisations for TWGHs substantial achievements in green management and implementation of environmental practices on various fronts, as well as the Group’s contribution and commitment of environmental protection. In addition, to put into practice the commitment of environmental protection and strive for ongoing improvement in environmental initiatives, the TWGHs Administration Headquarters has been implementing the ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system and the ISO 50001:2018 energy management system to carry out our commitment to environmental protection and improve our green initiatives on a sustainable basis. 东华三院行政总部获颁「香港绿色机构 认证」证书 "Hong Kong Green Organisation" Certificate awarded to the TWGHs Administration Headquarters