2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 135 东华三院属下学校安装了不同设计的小型太阳能光伏系统,并在地下安装了一个显示屏幕,展示光伏系统的发电量,加强环保教育。 Small-scale solar photovoltaic systems with different designs were installed at TWGHs schools. A display panel showing the generation of electricity by photovoltaic system was installed on the ground floor to enhance the environmental education. TWGHs actively pursues environmental protection measures to reduce carbon footprint. Over 80 service units signed the “Energy Saving Charter 2022” jointly organised by the Environment and Ecology Bureau and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. Moreover, over 100 service units participated in the “Earth Hour 2022” organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature. 东华三院积极推行环保措施,以减少碳足迹。本 院属下超过80 个服务单位已签署由环境及生态 局及机电工程署推行的「节能约章2022」,另有 超过100 个服务单位参加由世界自然基金会主办 的「地球一小时2022」。 温室气体减排 环保约章 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Green Charter In order to monitor and quantify the overall environmental performance of TWGHs, all TWGHs service units have been required to conduct an annual carbon audit since 2013/2014. A set of tailor-made carbon calculation templates have been developed for different categories of service units. Through the annual carbon audit exercise, service units can compare their greenhouse gas emissions of different years, and ratio indicators such as carbon emissions per unit floor area or per staff member with similar types of service units, so as to identify any areas of improvement. According to the evaluation results, the net carbon emissions per floor area of TWGHs decreased by about 27% in 2020/2021 compared with the base year. An online sharing session on the carbon evaluation results for 2020/2021 was organised by the Property Division on 6 July 2022 for participating service units to explain the evaluation results of the carbon audit and share carbon reduction measures. The carbon audit for 2021/2022 was launched in June 2022 with continuous monitoring of the Group's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission data. 自2013/2014 年度起,东华三院已于属下所有服 务单位进行年度碳审计,以监测和量化东华三院 的环保表现。本院制定了一套适用于不同服务类 别的碳排放计算范本,让各单位可自行计算碳排 放。透过年度碳审计,服务单位可与不同年份及 与相同服务类别单位的碳排放数据相互比较,如 每楼面面积单位的碳排放量或员工的人均碳排放 量等,然后找出可改善的地方。根据评估结果, 本院于2020/2021 年度的每楼面面积净碳排放量 与基准年相比,减少约27%。为使参与单位了解 碳审计的评估结果及分享减碳措施,物业科于 2022 年7 月6 日举办了2020/2021 年度碳审计评 估网上分享会。而2021/2022 年度全院碳审计已 于2022 年6 月展开,持续审视本院的能源使用 及碳排放数据。 碳审计 Carbon Audit The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) launched the 5-year “Solar Harvest – Solar Energy Support Scheme for Schools and Welfare Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)” (Solar Harvest) in March 2019. The Solar Harvest will provide subsidy and one-stop service to help eligible schools and welfare NGOs install small-scale solar photovoltaic systems and submit Feed-in Tariff (FiT) applications to power companies. As a green organisation, TWGHs service units have proactively participated in the Scheme in support of the Government’s green policy. A total of 46 TWGHs service units/community service buildings submitted applications for Solar Harvest to EMSD, among which 36 schools and 6 community service buildings were approved for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems with a capacity of around 10 kW each. After which they joined the power company’s “Renewable Energy FiT Scheme”, to jointly combat climate change, achieve carbon reduction, and build a low-carbon economy which is more resilient to climate change. 机电工程署于2019 年3 月推出为期5 年的 「采电学社:学校及非政府福利机构太阳能支援计 划」(「采电学社」)。「采电学社」向合资格学校和 非政府福利机构提供资助及相关的一站式服务, 协助在其处所安装小型太阳能光伏系统,并参 加电力公司推行的「上网电价」计划。东华三院 作为一家绿色机构,其辖下服务单位积极参与此 项计划,以支持政府的绿色政策。本院共有46 个服务单位/ 社会服务大楼已向机电工程署提交 「采电学社」申请,其中36 所学校及6 幢社会 服务大楼已获批准安装发电容量约10 千瓦的 小型太阳能光伏系统,并参加了电力公司的 「可再生能源上网电价」计划,以共同应对气候 变化,实现碳减排,建构低碳和更具气候变化抵 御力的社会。 采用绿色能源 Go Green on Energy