2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 142 To foster the culture of caring and serving the community and encourage more staff members and their family members to actively participate in voluntary work, the Human Resources Committee approved the establishment of the “Staff Voluntary Service Incentive Scheme” in 2014 with 4 award categories, namely “First-time Volunteer”, “Staff with the Highest Service Hours”, “Family with the Highest Service Hours” and “Most Effective Referrer” as a recognition of outstanding volunteers. Every year, TWGHs Volunteer Team pays visits to deprived families and elderly singletons in provinces and cities in Mainland China. Given the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, visiting activities in Mainland China were suspended. Formed in 2006, the Voluntary Work Force of Tung Wah Museum rendered a total of 848 hours of volunteer service for the last year and was awarded the “Silver Award”. The Work Force mainly assisted in digitising photos, news clippings and historical records, carrying out simple restoration work for historical documents, and performing data entry for Tung Wah Coffin Home archives. 为进一步培养员工服务社群的关爱文化,鼓励他 们带同家属积极参与志愿者服务,人力资源委员会 于2014 年通过设立「员工志愿者服务奖励计划」, 并设有4个奖项,分别为「最新『义』人奖」、「最 高『义』数奖」、「最『义』家庭参与奖」及「最 『义』推荐人奖」,以嘉许表现优秀的志愿者。每年, 东华三院志愿者队会安排前往国内省巿,探访基层 家庭及独居长者。鉴于2019 冠状病毒病疫情的 影响及出到港限制,国内探访活动暂停。 东华三院文物馆志愿者团队自2006 年成立, 去年累积了848 小时的服务时数,获颁发 「银状」。志愿者团队主要协助文物馆把馆藏 照片、剪报和历史档案数码化,为历史档 案进行简单的修复,及为东华义庄文献进 行登记。 东华三院文物馆志愿者团队 Tung Wah Museum Voluntary Work Force 东华三院文物馆志愿者团队获颁「银状」奖状。 Volunteer Work Force of Tung Wah Museum was awarded the "Silver Award" certificate. 医院志愿者服务 网上新症关怀及同路人分享 东华医院 Hospitals Voluntary Servies Online New Patient Concern Service and Patient Sharing Programme Tung Wah Hospital Patient Resource Centre of Tung Wah Hospital and Breast Cancer Patient Support Group launched the online “New Patient Concern Service” in June 2022. By September 2022, it had shared the experiences of illness, treatment and recovery with 44 patients through video conferencing. In addition to that, the Centre continued to collaborate with the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Community Rehabilitation Network (Kornhill) to organise the online workshop named “Stroke Patients and Families Empowerment Programme”, where patients and caregivers were introduced to community resources and invited to share their feelings about coping with illness and their paths on positive recovery. As of September 2022, a total of 22 families with stroke members had participated in the Workshop. 东华医院病人资源中心与「传情舍」乳癌互助小组 志愿者于2022 年6 月起推出「传情伴你」新症关怀 服务,截至2022 年9 月,以视像会议的形式与 44 名病人分享了患病、治疗及复康的经验。此 外,中心继续与香港复康会社区复康网络( 康山 中心) 合作,举办「中风患者及家属社区融合活 动之风雨同行」网上工作坊,为病人和照顾者介 绍社区资源,以及分享面对疾病及积极复康的心 路历程。截至2022 年9 月,共有22 个有中风患 者的家庭参加工作坊。 东华三院董事局成员及亲友参与义务工作,体现关爱精神。 TWGHs Board Members and their family members and friends participated in voluntary services, demonstrating a caring and love spirit. 东华三院员工带同亲友参与志愿者服务,发扬关爱互助的精神。 TWGHs staff members participated in voluntary services with their family members and friends, demonstrating a caring and supporting spirit.