2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 145 为社会培育人才Nurturing Talent for the Community TWGHs has been committed to promoting sustainable development through the training and nurturing of talents. The Group demonstrates its corporate social responsibilities by providing students of tertiary institutions with on-the-job training opportunities in related disciplines under the guidance of on-site supervisors from TWGHs. In year 2022/2023, a total of 2,977 students were offered job placements in the Records and Heritage Office, 5 affiliated hospitals, Chinese medicine 东华三院一向重视透过人才培育推动社会的可持 续发展,积极承担社会企业责任,为多间大专院 校的学生提供与其学科相关的职场实习机会, 并 由东华三院的职场主管从旁给予指导。本院于 2022/2023年度提供合共2,977个学生实习名额, 分布于档案及历史文化办公室、属下5 间医院、 提供职场实习机会 Providing Practicum Places 人力资源科透过「东华 · 家」Facebook 专页向员工宣传母乳餵哺及器官 捐赠讯息。 The Human Resources Division publicised the messages of breastfeeding and organ donation to staff members via staff Facebook page "Tung Wah +". 此外,本院亦于2016 年参加由食物及衞生局、 衞生署、医院管理局及器官捐赠推广委员会合 办的「器官捐赠推广运动」,并签署推广约章, 成为其中一间支持机构。本院人力资源科透过 「东华 · 家」Facebook 专页及于迎新活动向员工宣 传相关讯息,巩固本院家庭友善雇主的形象,并 积极呼吁大众及员工支持上述计划。 Committed to promoting family-friendly policies and responding to meaningful campaigns of the community, TWGHs signed up as one of the supporting organisations for the “Say Yes to Breastfeeding” Campaign organised by the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) in 2015, and supported the promotion of “Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace” by disseminating relevant information and encouraging the implementation of policies beneficial to breastfeeding at Divisions/ Office/services units. This year, TWGHs received the “BreastfeedingFriendly Pioneers” award from UNICEF HK, in further recognition of our continued support to the Campaign. Meanwhile, TWGHs joined the “Organ Donation Promotion Campaign” co-organised by the Food and Health Bureau, the Department of Health, the Hospital Authority and the Committee on Promotion of Organ Donation, by signing the Organ Donation Promotion Charter in 2016 to become one of the supporting organisations. To further enhance the image of being a caring employer and to raise public awareness and support towards the Campaign, the Human Resources Division of the Group disseminated related messages through its staff Facebook page “Tung Wah +” and the induction programme for newly recruited staff. 东华三院一直致力推行家庭友善措施及响应社会 上富有意义的计划。自2015 年起参与由联合国 儿童基金香港委员会主办的「母乳育婴齐和应」 运动,支持推广「母乳餵哺友善工作间」,不时 发放相关信息,鼓励各科∕办公室∕服务单位于 工作间实施有利母乳餵哺政策。今年,本院更获 联合国儿童基金香港委员会颁发「友善先驱奖」, 进一步表扬本院一直支持有关活动。 东华三院荣获「友善先驱奖」的殊荣。 TWGHs received the "Breastfeeding-Friendly Pioneers" Award. 关爱社区Caring for the Community 支持「母乳育婴齐和应」和 「器官捐赠推广」运动 Supporting the “Say Yes to Breastfeeding” and “Organ Donation Promotion” Campaigns