2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

以心相连 CONNECTING HEARTS 151 TWGHs has always cherished the connections with stakeholders. Throughout the year, the Board met with the representatives of various government bureaux and departments as well as supporting organisations, including of the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, the Health Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Department of Health, the Social Welfare Department, the Home Affairs Department, Hong Kong Police Force, Immigration Department, Customs and Excise Department, Correctional Services Department, the Hospital Authority, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR and the TWGHs Advisory Board to exchange views on the provision of medical and health, education as well as community services. Aside from fostering closer ties with them, the Board solicited their supports for the Group’s future development. Meanwhile, various government officials had paid visits to TWGHs service units to understand the operations of TWGHs services and provide precious opinions and insights for the sustainable development of TWGHs. 东华三院向来珍视与持份者的联系,年内, 董事局先后与多个政府部门和支持机构,包括 民政及青年事务局、医务衞生局、教育局、 劳工及福利局、衞生署、社会福利署、民政事务 总署、香港警务处、到港事务处、香港海关、 惩教署、医院管理局的代表、中央人民政府驻 香港特别行政区联系办公室以及东华三院顾问局 会面,分享及讨论医疗衞生、教育及社会服务方 面的议题,争取他们对东华三院未来发展的支 持,加强彼此联系。此外,多位官员亦先后探访 东华三院属下服务单位,以了解本院各项服务的 运行,并为董事局成员提供宝贵的建议和指导, 让本院得以持续稳定地发展。 加强与政府部门的联系 与机构持份者建立关系 Strengthening Communications with Government Bureaux Relationship Building with the Group’s Stakeholders 教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士( 第一排 右四) Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP (1st row, right 4), Secretary for Education 董事局与政府部门交流会面 Meetings with Government Bureaux and Departments 民政及青年事务局局长麦美娟SBS太平绅 士( 前排右四)、副局长梁宏正BBS太平 绅士( 前排右三) 及民政事务总署助理署长 胡钜华太平绅士( 前排左三) The Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP (front row, right 4), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr. LEUNG Wang Ching, Clarence, BBS, JP (front row, right 3), Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, and Mr. WU Kui Wah, Thomas, JP (front row, left 3), Assistant Director of Home Affairs Department. 医务衞生局局长卢宠茂教授BBS太平绅士 ( 第一排右六)、副局长李夏茵医生太平绅 士( 第一排右四)、常任秘书长陈松青太平 绅士( 第一排左五) 及衞生署署长林文健 医生太平绅士( 第一排左三) Prof. the Hon. LO Chung Mau, BBS, JP (1st row, right 6), Secretary for Health, Dr. LEE Ha Yun, Libby, JP (1st row, right 4), Under Secretary for Health, Mr. CHAN Chung Ching, Thomas, JP (1st row, left 5), Permanent Secretary for Health, and Dr. LAM Man Kin, Ronald, JP (1st row, left 3), Director of Health