2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

以心相连 CONNECTING HEARTS 154 时任食物及衞生局局长陈肇始教授太平绅士( 左二) 于2022 年5 月21 日到访东华三院戒烟综合服务中心。 Prof. the Hon. CHAN Siu Chee, Sophia, JP (left 2), the then Secretary for Food and Health, visited TWGHs Integrated Centre on Smoking Cessation on 21 May 2022. 时任社会福利署署长梁松泰太平绅士( 前排右四) 于2022 年 6 月15 日到访东华三院乐展坊。 Mr. LEUNG Chung Tai, Gordon, JP (front row, right 4), the then Director of Social Welfare, visited TWGHs Centre for Family Wellness and Child Development on 15 June 2022. 创新科技及工业局局长孙东教授太平绅士( 左五) 于2022年9月 14 日到访由东华三院营运的地理空间实验室。 Prof. the Hon. SUN Dong, JP (left 5), Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, visited the Geospatial Lab operated by TWGHs on 14 September 2022. 劳工及褔利局局长孙玉菡太平绅士( 右三) 及社会福利署助理 署长( 安老服务) 陈德义先生( 右一) 于2022 年12 月1 日到访 东华三院方树泉综合家居照顾服务中心。 The Hon. SUN Yuk Han, JP (right 3), Secretary of Labour and Welfare, and Mr. TAN Tak Yee (right 1), Assistant Director (Elderly), Social Welfare Department, visited TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen Integrated Home Care Services Centre on 1 December 2022. 医务衞生局副局长李夏茵医生太平绅士( 左六) 于2022 年11 月 29 日到访东华三院香港大学中医诊所暨教研中心( 东区)。 Dr. LEE Ha Yun, Libby, JP (left 6), Under Secretary for Health, visited Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Eastern District) on 29 November 2022. 民政及青年事务局副局长梁宏正BBS太平绅士( 左八) 于2022 年10 月25 日到访东华三院The Oasis 青年共享空间。 Mr. LEUNG Wang Ching, Clarence, BBS, JP (left 8), Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, visited TWGHs The Oasis Youth Co-working Space on 25 October 2022.