2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

财务回顾 FINANCIAL REVIEW 财务回顾FINANCIAL REVIEW · · · · · · Government subventions, donations and operating income are the major sources of income of TWGHs to support its medical and health, education, community and traditional services, as well as the further development of the Group. · · · · · · 东华三院的收入主要来自政府资助、捐款及营 运收入,以支持各项医疗衞生、教育、社会及 公共服务方面的运行及持续发展。 截至2023 年3 月31 日止的财政年度,在未计 及政府防疫抗疫基金资助2 千700 万元前,预 计总收入为67 亿2,700 万元( 在未计及政府防 疫抗疫基金资助200 万元前,去年度为63 亿 4,600 万元),上升百分之六,此乃由于政府资 助有所增加、本院服务在年内有所扩展、收到 物业和股票的捐赠及2019 冠状病毒病疫情缓和 所致。 东华三院运用其院本资源及大众的捐款,于年 内共拨款5 亿2,650 万元( 去年度为6 亿 760 万 元),支援各医疗衞生( 包括医院)、教育、社 会及公共服务之发展计划。 东华三院致力调控行政及支援费用的支出。本 院的行政及支援费用是用以监督及支援东华 三院所有受资助及非资助的服务,占本院总支 出约百分之四,全数由东华三院的营运收入支 付,并不涉及使用任何捐款。 所有筹募活动开支及行政费用均由东华三院 董事局/冠名赞助人全数支付。本院从不在公 众善款中扣除活动开支及行政费用,大众捐款 均悉数拨用于本院的服务,惠泽社群。 捐款收入预计为4 亿2,800 万元( 去年度为 4 亿2,080 万元)。另有物业和股票的捐赠,市 值为2亿6,910万元。本院感谢善长及公众持续 支持。 The total revenue for the year ending 31 March 2023 is estimated at $6,727 million before the Government’s Anti-epidemic Fund subsidy of $27 million (last year: $6,346 million before the Government’s Anti-epidemic Fund subsidy of $2 million), an increase of 6% as a result of increments in government subvention, expansion in our services, receipt of donation-in-kind of properties and equities, as well as ease of the COVID-19 pandemic. Leveraging its own resources and the public donations, TWGHs allocated a sum of $526.5 million (last year: $607.6 million) for service development projects in respect of medical and health (including hospitals), education, community and traditional services during the year. TWGHs is committed to proper control of the expenditure for administration and supporting functions. The expense for TWGHs’ administration and supporting functions, representing approximately 4% of the Group’s total expenditure, goes towards supervising and supporting both the Group’s subvented and non-subvented services. It is fully funded by the Group’s operating income, without using any donations. All expenditures for fund-raising events are fully financed by TWGHs Board of Directors/Title Sponsors. No event and administrative costs will be deducted from public donations, which will be as usual wholly allocated to the Group’s services for the benefit of the community. The donation income is estimated at $428 million (last year: $420.8 million). In addition, donation-in-kind of properties and equities is $269.1 million in market value. The Group is grateful for the continued support from donors and the general public. 财务重点 Financial Highlights 156