2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

财务回顾 FINANCIAL REVIEW 157 The total revenue (comprising recurrent income, donation income and donation-in-kind of properties and equities) of TWGHs for the 2022/2023 financial year ending 31 March 2023 is projected to be $6,727 million (last year: $6,346 million). The total expenditure is projected to be $6,328 million (last year: $6,184 million), resulting in a net operating surplus of $426 million (last year: $164 million) after accounting for the Government’s Anti-epidemic Fund subsidy of $27 million (last year: $2 million). The increase in net operating surplus is attributable to the receipt of donation-in-kind of properties and equities of $269.1 million in market value. Part of the net operating surplus belongs to subvented services and is required to be transferred to restricted reserves. The remaining portion will be transferred to designated reserves for supporting service projects and future development committed by TWGHs. TWGHs is committed to the principle of financial prudence. The liquidity and financial position of the Group continues to be in good shape to support its committed projects and on-going developments. Ernst & Young audited the consolidated financial statements of TWGHs for 2021/2022 and opined that the consolidated financial statements gave a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the Group in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. TWGHs will continue its efforts to ensure that expenditure for administration and supporting functions is properly controlled and in line with service expansion needs. Government subvention for recurrent operations is the major source of income of TWGHs and the amounts in the past 5 years are as below: 截至2023年3月31日止的2022/2023财政年度, 东华三院总收入( 包括经常性收入、善款收入 及物业和股票捐赠) 预计为67 亿2,700 万元( 去 年度为63 亿4,600 万元)。而其总支出预计为 63 亿2,800 万元( 去年度为61 亿8,400 万元), 计及政府防疫抗疫基金资助2 千700 万元( 去年 度为200万元),净营运盈余为4亿2,600万元( 去 年度为1 亿6,400 万元)。净营运盈余的增加是 由于收到捐赠时市值为2 亿6,910 万元的物业及 股票。 净营运盈余属于受资助服务的部分会拨归专用 储备账户。其余部分则会拨归指定用途储备, 以履行本院已承诺的服务计画及未来的发展。 东华三院一向贯彻审慎的理财原则。东华三院 的流动资金及财务状况持续表现良好,能支持 本院所承诺的各项计划及持续发展。 安永会计师事务所已完成审核东华三院 2021/2022 年度综合财务报表,确认该等财务报 表已按香港财务报告准则规定,真实而公平地 反映东华三院的财务状况及表现。 东华三院将继续致力调控行政及支援费用的支 出,并确保符合服务扩展的需要。 政府对经常性营运的资助为东华三院主要的收 入来源,过去5 年之金额如下 : 财务业绩回顾 政府对经常性营运的资助 Review of Financial Results Government Subvention for Recurrent Operations 百万元 $ Million 不包括2千700万元的政府防疫抗疫基金资助金额 Excluding an amount of $27 million subsidy under the Government’s Anti-epidemic Fund Subsidy # 4,000 3,000 2,000 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 1,000 0 4,239 * 预算 Projected 年度Year * 3,509 3,911 4,090 4,317#