2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

财务回顾 FINANCIAL REVIEW 158 TWGHs has maintained its committed practice of applying the full amount of public donations to its service projects. The total amount of donations raised by the 2022/2023 Board of Directors is projected to be $428 million (last year: $420.8 million). Together with funding from the Group’s internal resources, such as operating income and interest/ investment income, funds totalling approximately $526.5 million (last year: $607.6 million) have been allocated to support medical and health (including hospitals), education, community and traditional services. Related payments were recorded in the income statement and statement of financial position for the year concerned according to the nature of the expenditure, progress and timing. 东华三院一如以往,将大众的善款全数用于各 项服务上。2022/2023 年度董事局全年筹得的善 款预计为4 亿2,800 万元( 去年度为4 亿2,080 万元) ,连同东华三院的院本资源,如营运收 入及利息/ 投资收入,已一并分配给医疗衞生 ( 包括医院)、教育、社会及公共服务,总数共 约5 亿2,650 万元( 去年度为6 亿760 万元) 。 有关支出会按支出性质、进度及时间表记录于 相关年度之收支表及资产负债表内。 善款收入 善款及院本资源在各主要服务发展项目的分配 善款的运用 Donation Income Allocation of Donation Income and Internal Resources to Major Service Development Projects Utilisation of Donation Income 403.8 420.8 418.6 420.6 428 百万元 $ Million 400 300 200 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 100 0 * 预算 Projected 年度Year *# 于2022/2023年度,预算善款收入只包括4亿2,800元现金捐赠。另有物业和股票捐赠,市值2亿6,910万元。 In 2022/2023, projected donation income includes only cash donation of $428 million. In addition, donation-in-kind of properties and equities is $269.1 million in market value. # 合计Total 717 580 556 608 527* 医疗衞生服务 Medical and Health Services 教育服务 Education Services 社会服务 Community Services 公共服务 Traditional Services 百万元 $ Million 109 136 32 250 169 175 47 217 157 166 42 191 185 170 25 200 218 183 52 264 700 600 500 400 300 200 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 100 0 年度Year * 预算 Projected