2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

财务回顾 FINANCIAL REVIEW 160 (10) (10) 历史文化保育服务 Preservation of Cultural Heritage Services 162 399 未计算特殊项目前营运盈余 OPERATING SURPLUS BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEM 2 27 特殊项目( 政府防疫抗疫基金资助) EXCEPTIONAL ITEM (GOVERNMENT'S ANTI-EPIDEMIC FUND SUBSIDY) (522) (540) 减:服务发展项目净支出及折旧 LESS: NET SERVICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT EXPENSES AND DEPRECIATION 485 482 租金收入 RENTAL INCOME (5,662) (5,788) 经常性支出 RECURRENT EXPENDITURE (6,184) (6,328) 总支出 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 164 426 年度净营运盈余 NET OPERATING SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 105 114 利息及投资收入 INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME 6,346 6,727 总收入 TOTAL REVENUE 减: 支出 LESS: EXPENDITURE 303 349 医疗衞生服务 Medical and Health Services (323) (352) 医疗衞生服务 Medical and Health Services 2,185 2,165 教育服务 Education Services (2,190) (2,166) 教育服务 Education Services 259 287 公共服务 Traditional Services (237) (261) 行政及支援 ( 附注一) Administration and Supporting Functions (Note 1) (193) (202) 公共服务 Traditional Services (26) (27) 非行政支出 ( 附注二) Non-administration Expenses (Note 2) 2,588 2,633 社会服务 Community Services (2,585) (2,672) 社会服务 Community Services (98) (98) 物业管理 Property Management 2021/2022 以百万元计 in $ Million 实际Actual 2022/2023 以百万元计 in $ Million 预计Projected 截止至2023 年3 月31 日止年度综合经常性营运收支表 ( 预计) Consolidated Income Statement for Recurrent Operations for the Year Ending 31 March 2023 (Projected) 附注: Notes: 一. 二. 三. 四. 此行政及支援支出用以监督及支援东华三院 所有受资助及非受资助服务,以总额计占本 院总支出约百分之四,全数由东华三院的营 运收入支付,并不涉及使用任何捐款。 2022/2023 年度非行政支出为筹募开支。所 有筹募开支皆由东华三院董事局及冠名赞助 人支付,本院不会从活动筹得的公众善款中 扣除活动及行政费用,以确保公众善款全数 拨用于本院的服务。 在1991 年12 月1 日,东华三院将属下5 间 医院移交医院管理局管理,自此该5 间医院 的经营业绩不再报列在上述的收支表内。在 2022/2023 年度,该5 间医院之总经常性支 出预计为 54 亿4,500 万元。 东华三院文武庙及某些华人庙宇委员会辖 下庙宇是分别根据《文武庙条例》及《华人 庙宇委员会协议书》委托东华三院管理, 因此,其经营业绩并不报列在上述的收支 表内。2022/2023 年度东华三院文武庙及华 人庙宇委员会辖下庙宇之营运盈余预计为 3,900 万元。 1. 2. 3. 4. The expense for administration and supporting functions is incurred for supervising and supporting both the subvented and non-subvented services of TWGHs, which is about 4% of the Group's total expenditure on a gross basis. It is fully funded by operating income of the Group, without using any donations. 2022/2023 Non-administration Expenses were fund-raising expenses which were sponsored by TWGHs Board of Directors and Title Sponsors and no event and administrative costs will be deducted from donations of the general public to ensure all public donations go fully to our services. The governance and management of TWGHs 5 hospitals were transferred to the Hospital Authority on 1 December 1991. The results of the operations of the hospitals were thus not included in the above income statement. The total recurrent expenditure for the 5 hospitals was projected to be $5,445 million for 2022/2023. TWGHs Man Mo Temple and certain temples of the Chinese Temples Committee are entrusted to TWGHs for management under the Man Mo Temple Ordinance and the Agreement with the Chinese Temples Committee respectively. The temple operation results were not included in the above income statement. The operating surplus for the temples was projected to be $39 million for 2022/2023. 421 - 428 善款收入 DONATION INCOME 269 物业和股票捐赠 DONATIONINKIND OF PROPERTIES AND EQUITIES 服务收入及政府资助 SERVICE FEE INCOME AND GOVERNMENT SUBVENTION