2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

人力资源HUMAN RESOURCES 人力资源 HUMAN RESOURCES 162 A salary review was undertaken for fixed sum salary posts with recruitment difficulties in view of the vibrant labour market conditions, inflation and the pay rise for civil servants. The revised salaries were implemented with retrospective effect from 1 April 2022. To enhance its competitiveness in talent acquisition and retention, TWGHs reviewed the pay level and post/duty-related allowances and implemented pay enhancement measures for the identified posts, including the posts of Chinese Medicine Dispensers, nursing staff of Haemodialysis Centre, General Service Assistant (General) under medical services and General Service Assistant (Community Services). In line with the long-term development of TWGHs residential care homes, the transformation driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, and upon an overall manpower review, TWGHs regraded the posts of Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor of residential care homes for the elderly and disabled, and developed a mechanism for conducting the related promotion exercises. The new measures were put into effect on 1 October 2022. In line with the revision of the salary scales for school heads and deputy headteachers in primary schools starting from the academic year 2022/2023 as announced by the Education Bureau, a corresponding revision of the salary scales for the Headmaster/Headmistress I, Headmaster/Headmistress II and Senior Primary School Master/ Mistress ranks and the salary conversion for the Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers in TWGHs primary schools were implemented on 1 September 2022. 因应人力市场的剧烈竞争、通胀因素及公务员的 薪酬调整,东华三院审视了个别有招聘困难的定 额薪酬职位的薪酬水平,经修订后的薪酬追溯至 2022 年4 月1 日起生效。 为加强竞争力,吸纳及挽留人才,本院就有需要 的职位检讨薪酬水平及与职位/职责相关的津贴, 并提升相关薪酬或津贴,其中包括医疗服务范畴 下的中医配药员、血液透析中心的护理人员、支 援服务助理( 庶务) 及支援服务助理( 社会服务) 职位。 为配合本院舍服务的长远发展及在2019 冠状病 毒病疫情带动的变化下,经检视整体人力规划 后,本院已于2022 年10 月1 日调整辖下安老及 残疾服务院舍单位主任及副主任的职级,并制定 机制推行相关晋升安排。 鉴于教育局公布由2022/2023 学年起,修订小学 校长和副校长的薪酬,本院相应修订了一级小学 校长、二级小学校长及高级小学学位教师职级的 薪级,并调整小学校长及副校长的薪酬,有关安 排已于2022 年9 月1 日实施。 因时制宜 吸纳人才 Responding to External Environment, We Compete for Talents 检讨定额薪酬职位的薪酬水平 检讨个别职级的薪酬安排 调整本院属下护养院舍主任及副主任的 职级 调整东华三院属下小学校长及副校长的 薪级 Pay Review for Fixed Sum Salary Posts Pay Review for Individual Posts Rank Adjustment for the Posts of Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor of TWGHs Residential Care Homes Revision of the Salary Scales for School Heads and Deputy Headteachers in TWGHs Primary Schools