2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

人力资源 HUMAN RESOURCES Apart from equipping staff members with the knowledge and skills required for daily challenges, the Group also organised exchange programmes with the Ministry of Civil Affairs to foster mutual understanding of social welfare service development and Chinese medicine services in Hong Kong and Mainland China. TWGHs and the Ministry shared their experiences in providing community services and philanthropy development through tours and exchange activities. Meanwhile, TWGHs also shared its operation and management insights with the Ministry. Due to the entry/travel restrictions/conditions in China under the COVID-19 pandemic, the exchange activities remained suspended during the year. To encourage our staff members to pursuit personal growth and development, and to support the needs of the community, TWGHs granted the following scholarships and sponsorships: To assist newly recruited staff to adapt to the working environment and culture of TWGHs, induction programmes are organised by the Staff Training Unit every year, covering topics on the Group’s organisation structure, personnel policies, staff training, and welfare benefits. With a view to protecting staff members’ health under the pandemic, the Staff Training Unit has provided access to the course materials on the intranet to promote self-learning. The Human Resources Division plays a proactive role in boosting staff morale and fostering a greater sense of recognition and belonging. For details, please refer to the Chapter of “Employee Relations and Development.” 本院除了培训员工的专业知识及技能以应付日常 工作的挑战外,更与国家民政部合办交流活动, 增加双方对本港及国内社会福利事业及中医药发 展的了解。双方藉著每年的考察和交流活动,汲 取社会服务和慈善事业发展方面的经验,本院亦 会与对方分享组织运行与管理的心得。香港受 2019 冠状病毒病疫情的影响,仍实施出到港/旅 行限制,本年度的交流活动因而仍需暂停。 本院为鼓励员工追求个人成长及发展,同时回应 社会需求,特批出以下奖学金,包括: 培养卓越人才 让企业可持续 发展 Building People Advantage for Business Sustainability 为协助新入职员工尽快适应工作环境,融入 东华三院文化,员工训练组每年均举办迎新活 动,介绍本院组织架构、人事政策、员工训练及 福利事宜。于疫情下为保障员工的健康,员工训 练组将相关教材上载于内联网,推动员工网上自 学。人力资源科亦积极提升员工士气,加强员工 对本院的认同感和归属感,详情请参阅「员工关 系及发展」章节。 1项硕士学位奖学金及3项学士学位奖学金予社 会服务科的员工,促进其专业发展;及 3 个资助名额予社会服务科的前线员工,以修 读登记护士课程。 1 scholarship for master’s degree programmes and 3 scholarships for bachelor’s degree programmes in support of staff professional development in the Community Services Division; and 3 sponsorships for frontline staff members in the Community Services Division for enrolled nurse courses. · · · · 165 To ensure continuous improvement and to promote professionalism in the sector, the Human Resources Division proactively extends its network by sharing with industry counterparts the latest market trends and best practices in human resources management. As one of the corporate members of the Knowledge Management Development Centre (KMDC), the Human Resources Division was invited by the Centre to take part in sharing sessions which enabled our staff to gain a better understanding of the latest trends in knowledge management. 为推动业界在人才管理上持续改善及更趋专业 化,人力资源科积极与业界伙伴分享人力资源管 理的市场趋势及最佳实践,致力拓展业界的网 络。作为知识管理发展中心的企业会员,人力资 源科应邀出席该中心举办的业界分享会,协助员 工深入了解知识管理的新趋势。 同业伙伴分享 共建完善发展 Sharing with Industry Counterparts for Continuous Improvement The Group has been committed to promoting its good employer image by participating in the “Manpower Developer Award Scheme” organised by the Employees Retraining Board since 2014. It was accredited as a “Manpower Developer” for 4 consecutive times in 2014/2016, 2016/2018, 2018/2020 and 2020/2022. TWGHs was also granted the right to use the “Manpower Developer” logo until 2023. The Scheme aims to recognise organisations for demonstrating outstanding achievements in manpower training and development. 为推广良好雇主形象,东华三院自2014 年起参 加由雇员再培训局举办的「人才企业嘉许计划」, 于2014/2016 年度、2016/2018 年度、2018/2020 年度及2020/2022 年度连续4 届获授予「人才 企业」的标志,并获授权使用「人才企业」的标 志至2023 年。雇员再培训局推出是项嘉许计 划,旨在表扬于人才培训及发展工作表现卓越的 机构。 卓越人力资源管理屡获肯定 Recognition for Outstanding Human Resources Management