2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

物业发展及管理 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT 178 总建筑面积( 平方米) Gross Construction Floor Area (m²) 数目 Numbers 工程 Projects 设施 Facilities 过渡性房屋项目 Transitional Housing Projects 兴建楼高4 层共436 个单位的过渡性房屋及活动室 Construction of a 4-storey transitional housing with 436 units and activity room 兴建楼高4 层共519 个单位的过渡性房屋及活动室 Construction of a 4-storey transitional housing with 519 units and activity room 兴建楼高4 至5 层共1,233 个单位的过渡性房屋、活动大堂及行政 办公室 Construction of a 4-storey to 5-storey transitional housing with 1,233 units, activity hall and administrative office 马鞍山落禾沙里过渡性房屋建设工程 Construction of Transitional Housing on Lok Wo Sha Lane in Ma On Shan 启德沐安街过渡性房屋建设工程 Construction of Transitional Housing on Muk On Street in Kai Tak 流浮山深湾路过渡性房屋建设工程 Construction of Transitional Housing on Deep Bay Road in Lau Fau Shan 12,094 14,013 29,123 3 出租物业 Rental Properties 兴建一幢楼高27 层的商业大厦 Construction of a 27-storey commercial building 兴建一幢楼高28 层的商业大厦 Construction of a 28-storey commercial building 上环禧利街7 至11 号重建计划 Redevelopment of Nos. 7-11 Hillier Street in Sheung Wan 湾仔东华大厦及东新商业中心重建计划 Redevelopment of Tung Wah Mansion and Tung Sun Commercial Centre in Wanchai 2,295 14,600 7 2 合计 Total 360,656 进行中的主要装修、维修及改善工程 Major Renovation, Maintenance and Improvement Projects in Progress 出租物业 Rental Properties 总出租楼面面积( 平方米) Gross Lettable Floor Area (m²) 总出租楼面面积( 百分比) Gross Lettable Floor Area (%) 工程费用 ( 百万元) Project Cost ($ million) 工程 Projects 工程数目 Number of Projects 医疗衞生服务Medical and Health Services 历史文化保育Preservation of Cultural Heritage 其它Others 公共服务Traditional Services 出租物业Rental Properties 教育服务Education Services 社会服务Community Services 中医医疗服务Chinese Medicine Services 东华三院文物馆Tung Wah Museum 行政总部Administration Headquarters 殡仪及殓葬服务Funeral and Burial Services 商业楼宇Commercial Building 庙宇及祭祀服务Temples and Ritualistic Services 住宅楼宇Residential Building 中学Secondary School 安老服务Elderly Services 小学Primary School 青少年及家庭服务Youth and Family Services 幼稚园Kindergarten 复康服务Rehabilitation Services 小计Subtotal 小计Subtotal 小计Subtotal 合计 Total 小计Subtotal 小计Subtotal 小计Subtotal 小计Subtotal 46.4 1.3 11.0 22.5 29.0 6.2 97.3 13.5 71.4 21.1 121.2 14.7 191.0 46.4 1.3 11.0 646.6 28.7 126.3 49.3 383.6 2 1 5 3 3 1 12 10 11 9 3 10 1 2 1 5 71 4 15 29 15 住宅 Residential 52.7% 94,410 合计 Total 写字楼 Office 19.8% 35,551 6.0% 10,690 2.0% 3,613 5.9% 10,574 13.6% 24,288 100% 179,126 其它 Others 商舖 Shop 工业 Industrial 车位 Carpark 2022/2023年度出租物业总出租楼面面积 Gross Lettable Floor Area of Rental Properties for the Year 2022/2023