2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

资讯科技 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 184 The Division continued to maintain the existing Information Security Management System (ISMS) with proper IT security controls, as it strengthened particularly the network access, communication and operational software controls by the replacement of required competent network, firewall equipment and system software. Upon the assessment during the ongoing annual visit by the British Standards Institution in September 2022, it was confirmed that the ISMS remained in compliance with the standard of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. 该科继续以适当的资讯科技安全控制措施,维护 现有的资讯保安管理系统,并通过更换所需的网 络、防火墙设备和系统软件,加强对网络存取、 通信和操作软件的管控。经英国标准协会于2022 年9 月的连续性周年审核后,确认本院资讯保安 管理系统符合ISO/IEC 27001:2013 的认证标准。 为ISO/IEC 27001:2013认证实施维护和 提高资讯保安管理系统的安全控制 资讯科技的管治 Maintenance and Enhancement of Security Controls on the Information Security Management System (ISMS) for ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification Information Technology Governance The existing business contingency plan for the operation of TWGHs corporate application systems is effective amid the severe spread of COVID-19 epidemic. In the event that the staff members were unable to perform normal duties at the Administration Headquarters, the Division had a set of enterprise grade teleworking solutions in place for authorised staff to access these corporate systems remotely through a secure and robust channel. The platform was ready for use in the first quarter of 2023 in case the contingency plan had to be activated. 东华三院企业应用系统现有应变计划行之有效, 在疫情肆虐期间,本院行政总部的员工一旦无法 于办公室正常履行职务,仍能透过由该科采用的 企业远程办公室解决方案,让已获授权员工通过 安全可靠的渠道远程存取本院的应用系统。该平 台已于2023 年第一季度准备就绪,以备适时启 动应变计划。 为东华三院企业应用系统的应变计划实 施远程办公平台 Implementation of a Teleworking Platform in the Contingency Plan for the Operation of TWGHs Corporate Application Systems 个人计算机支援数目 Number of Personal Computers Supported 网络及互联网络服务支援数目 Number of Local Area Networks and Internet Services Supported 不包括置于中、小学及东华学院作教学用途的计算机及网络。 All computers and IT networks installed at the primary schools, secondary schools and Tung Wah College for teaching purpose are excluded. 不包括部分非资讯科技科直接管理的网络及互联网络服务。 The network and internet services which are not directly administered by the Information Technology Division are excluded. 362 2,758 854 726 2022/2023年度为各科提供系统支援服务 System Support Services Provided for Various Divisions in the Year 2022/2023 医务科及相关服务单位 Medical Division and Related Service Units 教育科及相关服务单位 Education Division and Related Service Units 行政总部 Administration Headquarters 社会服务科及相关服务单位 Community Services Division and Related Service Units 35 12 - 55 20 3 - 1 资讯科技服务器支援数目 Number of IT Servers Supported 个人计算机支援数目 Number of Personal Computers Supported 资讯科技服务器支援数目 Number of IT Servers Supported 网络及互联网络服务支援数目 Number of Local Area Networks and Internet Services Supported 4,700 2,758 55 726 854 12 3 1 362 35 20 (58.68%) (53.92%) (15.45%) (18.17%) (11.76%) (12.5%) (4.17%) (7.70%) (34.32%) (83.33%) 102 24 台 台 台 sets sets sets 合计Total 合计Total 合计Total 医疗科及相关服务单位 Medical Division and Related Service Units 教育科及相关服务单位 Education Division and Related Service Units 社会服务科及相关服务单位 Community Services Division and Related Service Units 行政总部 Administration Headquarters overall security control on the current IT server infrastructure, and revamped the IT network under the scope of Information Security Management System (ISMS) for ongoing improvement.