2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 188 Other Awards and Honours in 2022/2023 2022/2023年度其它奖项及殊荣 附录AH1 / Appendix AH1 医疗衞生服务Medical and Health Services 教育服务Education Services 医院管理局港岛东联网 Hong Kong East Cluster of the Hospital Authority 中国日报 China Daily 香港迦飞智能城市有限公司 CAFEA Smart City Limited 香港房屋协会 Hong Kong Housing Society 香港青年协会 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Aerosim (HK) Limited 金紫荆艺术研究院 The Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Art Research Institute 2022 年杰出员工及团队奖、优秀青年奖 Outstanding Staff and Teams Award, Young Achievers Award 2022 优秀青年奖 Young Achievers Award 杰出员工奖 Outstanding Staff Award 「21 世纪杯」全国英语演讲比赛( 香港赛区) 高中组季军 2nd Runner-up of Senior Secondary Level for the "21st Century Cup" National English Speaking Competition (Hong Kong Region) 「第二届CAFEA青少年智能城市论坛」 最佳创意奖 Best Creativity Award for the "2nd CAFEA Young Talent Smart City Forum" 「『夺领争霸』电竞赛」中学组冠军 Champion of Secondary School Category for the "'HKHS League' eSports Competition" 「香港创意数理科学4D Frame 比赛」 初中组银奖 Silver Award of the Junior Secondary Category for the "Hong Kong Creative Maths and Science 4D Frame Competition" 全港校际航空比赛2022 Aerosim Inter-School Aviation Tournament 2022 金紫荆杯青少年书法大赛 Golden Bauhinia Bowl Award Penmanship Competition 个人最佳演讲奖 Winner of Best Presentation – Individual Award 特等奖 Grand Prize 最佳报告奖 Best Report Award 一等奖 First Prize 二等奖 Second Prize 三等奖 Third Prize 杰出团队奖 Outstanding Team Award 东华东院眼科注册护士简咏珊女士 Ms. KAN Wing Shan, Sandy, Registered Nurse of Department of Ophthalmology, Tung Wah Easten Hospital 东华东院内科及复康科部门运行经理邓小慧女士、护理部二级 行政助理叶润佩女士及眼科初级文员林燕女士 Ms. TANG Siu Wai, Department Operations Manager of Department of Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ms. IP Yun Pui, Dorothy, Executive Assistant II of Nursing Services Division, and Ms. LAM Yin, Clerk III of Department of Ophthalmology, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 东华三院甲寅年总理中学徐艺瑞同学 XU Ngai Sui of TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College 东华三院甲寅年总理中学 TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College 东华三院李嘉诚中学谭梓彤同学、余雪桃同学、陈朗仪同学及 曾美瀚同学 TAM Tsz Tung, YU Xuetao, CHAN Long Yee and ZENG Mei Hon of TWGHs Li Ka Shing College 东华三院陈兆民中学郭思腾同学及卢弘毅同学 KWOK Sze Tang and LEI Wang Ngai of TWGHs Chen Zao Men College 东华三院李润田纪念中学方健朗同学 FLORES Kent Louie Siva of TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College 东华三院黄凤翎中学黄惠琪同学 WONG Wai Ki of TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College 东华三院甲寅年总理中学见昀昕同学、黎君志同学、卢炜茵 同学及潘臻翰同学 KIN Wan Yan, LAI Kwan Chi, LO Wai Yan and POON Chun Hon of TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College 东华三院甲寅年总理中学林雅淇同学 LAM Nga Ki of TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College 东华三院黄笏南中学赵麦瑞同学及东华三院邝锡坤伉俪中学 林嘉诚同学 ZHAO Merry of TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College and LIN Ka Shing of TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Kwong Sik Kwan College 东华三院吴祥川纪念中学王晓曦同学及赖靖岚同学、东华三院 马振玉纪念中学李滙智同学及东华三院邝锡坤伉俪中学林小茜 同学 WONG Hiu Hei and LAI Ching Nam of TWGHs S. C. Gaw Memorial College, LI Huizhi of TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College and LAM Siu Sin of TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Kwong Sik Kwan College 港岛东联网眼科团队及持续质素改善研讨会2021/2022 筹备 委员会 Hong Kong East Cluster Ophthalmology Team and Organising Committee of the Continuous Quality Improvement Forum 2021/2022 主办机构 Organisers 比赛及奖项 Competitions and Awards 获奖服务单位/ 员工/ 学生/ 项目 Awarded Service Units/Staff Members/Students/Projects