2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 201 学校 Schools 拨款额 Fund (HK$) 计划名称 Project Names 小学 Primary Schools 幼稚园 Kindergartens 300,000 249,200 145,300 106,900 145,300 148,400 150,000 150,000 131,300 145,300 148,900 150,000 48,000 137,000 145,700 142,900 90,300 66,700 131,000 108,400 137,700 300,000 208,400 268,100 1,865,800 293,800 268,700 268,700 「我的行动承诺」加强版 Enhanced "My Pledge to Act" 梦想阅读空间 Dream Reading Space 「我的行动承诺」加强版 Enhanced "My Pledge to Act" 健康校园由学校做起 Healthy life from School 「我的行动承诺—感恩珍惜 · 积极乐观」(2021) My Pledge to Act (2021) 互动电子学习计划 Interactive e-learning Programme 东华三院李赐豪小学 TWGHs Li Chi Ho Primary School 东华三院廖恩德纪念幼稚园 TWGHs Liu Yan Tak Memorial Kindergarten 东华三院廖恩德纪念幼稚园 TWGHs Liu Yan Tak Memorial Kindergarten 东华三院洪王家琪幼稚园 TWGHs Hung Wong Kar Gee Kindergarten 东华三院吕冯凤纪念幼稚园 TWGHs Lui Fung Faung Memorial Kindergarten 东华三院黎邓润球幼稚园 TWGHs Lai Tang Yuen Kaw Kindergarten 东华三院李黄庆祥纪念幼稚园 TWGHs Lee Wong Hing Cheung Memorial Kindergarten 东华三院徐展堂幼稚园 TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong Kindergarten 东华三院方树福堂幼稚园 TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten 东华三院黄朱惠芬幼稚园 TWGHs Wong Chu Wai Fun Kindergarten 东华三院田湾( 一九九六至一九九七总理) 幼稚园 TWGHs Tin Wan (1996-1997 Directors) Kindergarten 东华三院王胡丽明幼稚园 TWGHs Wong Wu Lai Ming Kindergarten 东华三院香港华都狮子会幼稚园 TWGHs Lions Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong Kindergarten 东华三院何蓝琼缨幼稚园 TWGHs Lucina Laam Ho Kindergarten 东华三院马陈家欢幼稚园 TWGHs Katherine Ma Kindergarten 东华三院谭锦球伉俪幼稚园 TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Tam Kam Kau Kindergarten 东华三院洪王家琪幼稚园 TWGHs Hung Wong Kar Gee Kindergarten 东华三院洪王家琪幼稚园 TWGHs Hung Wong Kar Gee Kindergarten 东华三院马陈景霞幼稚园 TWGHs Chan King Har Kindergarten 东华三院李黄庆祥纪念幼稚园 TWGHs Lee Wong Hing Cheung Memorial Kindergarten 东华三院黄士心幼稚园 TWGHs Wong See Sum Kindergarten 东华三院马锦灿纪念小学 TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School 东华三院高可宁纪念小学 TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School 东华三院曾宪备小学 TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School 东华三院邓肇坚小学 TWGHs Tang Shiu Kin Primary School 东华三院冼次云小学 TWGHs Sin Chu Wan Primary School 东华三院姚达之纪念小学( 元朗) TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School (Yuen Long) 东华三院周演森小学 TWGHs Chow Yin Sum Primary School 获资助学校 Subsidised Schools 389,500 1,197,900 245,500 147,800 东华三院李嘉诚中学 TWGHs Li Ka Shing College 东华三院邱子田纪念中学 TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College 东华三院马振玉纪念中学 TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College 东华三院邝锡坤伉俪中学 TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Kwong Sik Kwan College 学生自学中心 Students Self-learning Centre 校本新设计与科技课程 – STEM +「Star up体验」计划 School-based Curriculum of Design and Technology Education: STEM + Start-up Programme 「校园电视」展创意,推陈出新多尝试 Renovation Work of the Campus TV 优化地理室及发展校本VR虚拟实境教育计划 Refinement of the Geography Room and School-based VR Education Plan Development 中学 Secondary Schools 23,300 东华三院邱金元中学 TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College 回馈社区 — 志愿者领袖培训计划 Giving Back to the Community - Volunteer Leader Training Programme