2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 221 非医院员工培训及发展项目概要 Highlights of Non-hospital Staff Training and Development Programmes · Training programmes on the National Security Law and "The Constitutional Status and Contents of the Basic Law" were organised for over 250 staff members to enhance their understanding of the implementation of the relevant laws and the relationship between the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong. · An online workshop on "Conflict and Complaint Handling" was organised for 34 staff members to grasp the quality and effective communication skills by sharing the most widely-used "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" model of speaking and expression in modern communication. · An online workshop on "Mindfulness-Based Stress Management" was organised for 30 staff members to enhance their psychological wellness and ability in stress management through meditation training with psychological explanations. · A workshop on "Business Writing Netiquette" was organised for 25 staff members, enabling them to gain a better understanding of the latest trends in using electronic documents through sharing practical examples and writing techniques. · A workshop on "Leadership Style and Supervisory Charisma" was organised for 32 executives of the Administration Headquarters, school heads and supervisors of service centres/units. By sharing innovative management philosophy and analysing different scenarios, the workshop helped the participants to enhance leadership skills, personal charisma in management, and to learn to be an outstanding leader. · A workshop on "Growth Mindset" was organised for 32 staff members to build an appreciative and innovative mindset, develop a better understanding of their own thinking patterns and those of others around them, broaden their horizons, and adapt themselves to a multi-generation working environment by identifying growth mindsets and stereotypes. · A guided tour for the "Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong's Historic Buildings" Exhibition was organised for 24 staff members to enhance their understanding of the Group in management, maintenance and preservation of local history and culture, and learn the historical imprints of the growth of TWGHs in tandem with the Hong Kong society. · A workshop on "Creative Thinking with !nside Cards" was organised for 24 executives of the Administration Headquarters, school heads and supervisors of service centres/ units. With the use of !nside cards, the workshop aimed to enhance their innovative awareness as well as the ability to conceive new ideas in the workplace. · The "Green Tour to the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change" was organised for 25 staff members to enhance the concept of sustainable development, and raise the awareness of environmental protection and green living among staff members. · A workshop on "DISC Styles in Communication" was organised for 18 staff members of the Human Resources Division to help them understand their own communication style and that of the colleagues around them, and enhance communications and cooperation among staff members by decoding the characteristic assessment of DISC behaviour. · A total of 5 workshops on "Alcohol Ink Art", "Coffee Tasting" and "Natural Perfume Making" were organised to help staff achieve work-life balance. · A workshop on "Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)" was organised for 25 staff members to enhance their awareness of the relevant OSH in office through learning some healthcare tips on Chinese medicine. · A first-aid training course was organised for 24 staff members to equip them with firstaid knowledge and skills. · A refresher course on first-aid training was organised for 15 staff members to refresh their first-aid knowledge and skills. · A total of 15 training courses on the application of computer software were held for about 300 staff members. · In line with the COVID-19 preventive measures, the course materials of the induction programme were uploaded to the iPortal for the new recruits to study online. · 为逾250 名员工举办《香港国安法》及「《基本法》的宪制 地位和主要内容」讲座,加深员工对相关法例及中央与香 港关系的了解。 · 为34 名员工举办「冲突及投诉处理」网上培训工作坊,分 享现代沟通学中应用最广泛的「身心语言程式学」说话和 表达模式,让他们掌握优质高效的沟通技巧。 · 为30 名员工举办「静观压力管理」网上培训工作坊,透 过静观训练配合心理学讲解,增强心理抗逆力,轻松应对 压力。 · 为25 名员工举办「电子文书礼仪」工作坊,透过应用实例 和写作技巧,掌握电子文书应用的最新趋势。 · 为32名行政总部行政人员、校长及服务单位主管举办「提 升督导魅力与管治技巧」工作坊,透过讲解革新管理哲学 及分析不同处境,提升领导能力和个人管治魅力,学习成 为出色领袖。 · 为32 名员工举办「成长思维」工作坊,透过辨识成长思维 和定型思维,建立欣赏他人、勇于创新的心态,让员工更 理解自己和身边人的思维模式,扩阔多角度视野,适应多 世代工作环境。 · 为24 名员工举办「血浓于水:香港历史建筑中的家国情」 展览导赏活动,协助员工进一步了解本院在管理、维护及 保育本地历史文化的成果,以及认识本院与香港社会同步 成长的历史印记。 · 为24 名行政总部行政人员、校长及服务单位主管举办 「创意思考」工作坊,透过使用 !nside卡加强员工的创意 意识,让他们学习如何于工作环境中构思新想法。 · 为25名员工举办「参观赛马会气候变化博物馆及生态行」 活动,加强员工的持续发展理念,以及他们就环境保护及 绿色生活有更深的认识。 · 为18 名人力资源科员工举办「DISC沟通风格」工作坊, 透过解读DISC行为特性评估,让员工了解自我及身边同 事的沟通风格,促进同事之间交流与合作。 · 举办合共5场的「酒精水墨画」、「品味咖啡」及「手调香水」 工作坊,协助员工达致生活与工作平衡。 · 为25 名员工举办「职安健工作坊」,让员工学习不同的 中医保健方法,提高他们于办公室的职业安全与健康的 意识。 · 为24 名员工举办急救训练课程,教授员工急救知识及 技巧。 · 为15 名员工举办急救训练重温课程,协助员工复习所学 的急救知识及技巧。 · 共举办15 个计算机软件应用课程,参加员工约有300 人。 · 为配合2019 冠状病毒病的防控措施,迎新活动改为于内 联网上载相关教材,让员工网上自学。 2022/2023 年度医务科员工训练基金 2022/2023 Medical Division Staff Training Fund $1,850,000 该基金资助属下5 间医院约291 名员工修读本港及 外的训 及深造课程。 Around 291 staff members of 5 TWGHs hospitals were sponsored to attend local and overseas training programmes. 外教授交流计划 Visiting Professorship Programmes 该计划邀请1 位 外教授来香港进行临床教学,以及分享最新的医疗技术及经验。 1 overseas professor was invited to Hong Kong to conduct lectures, give advice on modern medical technology and share clinical technologies and experiences. 东华三院研究基金( 西医) TWGHs Research Fund (Western Medicine) $400,000 该基金资助属下5 间医院的西医医生进行13 个研究项目。 Western medicine doctors of 5 TWGHs hospitals were sponsored to conduct 13 research projects. 项目 Items 拨款 Allocation 详情 Details 医院员工发展及研究( 由东华三院董事局资助) Hospital Staff Development and Research Programmes (Sponsored by the TWGHs Board of Directors) 附录ER2 / Appendix ER2 $2,250,000 合计 Total 附录ER1 / Appendix ER1