2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

服务名额等措施。有关措施合共服务了787 位离 世人士,让逝者安息、生者释怀。本院延长特别 租务紧急纾困措施,向受疫情冲击而面临经营困 难的本院物业下的商舖、补习社或教育中心及旅 行社商户提供租金减免,受影响商户在2022 年 6 月至2023 年1 月可获最高百分之三十的租金宽 减。长达32 个月的物业租赁宽减措施,合共资 助中小企业约680 万元,共度时艰。另外,本院 于本年度应政府邀请,协助推行第六轮防疫抗疫 基金的纾困措施,设立3 个「临时失业支援申请 处理中心」,共核实多达97,630 宗失业援助金申 请,为受疫情影响的市民解燃眉之急。为协助患 长新冠的弱势社群全面康复,本院参与「赛马会 长新冠复康计划」下的院舍支援服务,为居住于 辖下院舍的长新冠患者提供跨界别复康护理。另 外,有见疫情下劏房户生活困难,本院外展服务 队将热心机构捐赠的物资派发给深水埗区及油尖 旺区劏房户。受香港赛马会慈善信托基金委托, 本院亦安排辖下3 间长者地区中心及3 间综合家 居照顾服务中心向居家长者派发包装膳食,合共 553 名服务使用者受惠。有关详情列载于本年年 报的「机构焦点」内。 Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Reunion Together 同心同行同庆 回归二十五周年 东华三院与香港人同心同行逾百五年,今年亦与 全城庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年,连系各 界合力参与及举行多项大型活动同庆回归,当中 包括响应香港特区政府的「共庆回归显关怀」计 划,协助民政事务总署采购30万套保温瓶,赠予 全港18 区的基层家庭,送上温暖。本院亦开创 先河,以大型汽车巡游方式庆祝特区成立25 周 年,冠名赞助港珠澳大桥汽车巡游。活动由香港 汽车会举办,邀得保安局局长邓炳强GBS, PDSM 太平绅士和运输及物流局副局长廖振新太平绅士 等出任主礼嘉宾。全港多个车会及本院招募约 120 辆超级跑车和古董车一同参与巡游,以崭新 概念为基层热食服务筹款之余,亦宣扬港珠澳三 地一心概念。 东华三院悠久历史见证香港回归辉煌岁月,于 2022年特别举办以东华三院历史建筑为主题的历 史摄影比赛,更开放东华义庄及东华医院礼堂等 具历史价值的建筑物供参赛者入内拍摄,比赛设 公开组及学生组,鼓励参加者通过摄影作品,向 大众展现香港的历史文化风采。活动更邀得文化 体育及旅游局局长杨润雄GBS太平绅士亲临主 持颁奖礼。本院属校积极组织及参与不同志庆活 动,加强学生对国民身份的认同和对祖国国情的 了解,其中包括安排学生参观由本院及紫荆杂志 社合办的「璀璨香江」庆祝香港回归25 周年校园 图片展、参与由教育局主办的「第八届《基本法》 暨庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年全港校际问 答比赛」及由香港中华总商会妇女委员会举办的 「庆祝香港回归祖国25 周年《攀登者》电影欣赏 会」,以及于校内举行专题讲座及电影分享会等, 亦鼓励学生善用由中国文化研究院推出的「认识 国情」学生网上自学平台。 Walking alongside Hong Kong people for more than one and a half centuries, TWGHs also joined the city-wide celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR. We reached out to all sectors for joining and co-organising various massive events, including the participation in the “Celebrations for All” project of the HKSAR Government by purchasing 300,000 thermal bottles for the Home Affairs Department to extend warm greetings to deprived families in all 18 districts across the territory. As title sponsor, TWGHs also presented the unprecedented “HZM Bridge Car Parade”, an event hosted by Hong Kong Automobile Association in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR, with the Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP, Secretary for Security, and Mr. LIU Chun San, JP, Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, officiating. Around 120 supercars and vintage cars from different automobile associations in town and TWGHs were invited, raising fund in an unconventional fashion for the hot meal service for the underprivileged while promoting the connection between Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. As a long-standing organisation, TWGHs is honoured to have witnessed the glorious moment when Hong Kong reunited with the Motherland. In celebration of this historic event, TWGHs held the Historical Buildings Photo Competition in 2022, in which participants were allowed to take photos inside TWGHs buildings with historical values, including Tung Wah Coffin Home and the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital. Divided into open and student groups, the competition showcased the tapestry of Hong Kong history and culture to the public through the lens of the participants, with the Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, GBS, JP, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, attending the event as the officiating guest. Meanwhile, TWGHs schools proactively organised and joined a wide array of celebration activities that strengthened the students’ recognition of national identity and their understanding of the national affairs of the Motherland, including having students visit the “Bright Hong Kong” Campus Photo Exhibition Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Handover of Hong Kong jointly organised by the Group and Bauhinia Magazine, participating in the The 8th Basic Law cum the 25th Anniversary of Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Territory-wide Inter-School Competition organised by the Education Bureau, joining “The Climbers - Film Screening in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of Hong Kong SAR” hosted by the Ladies’ Committee of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, funeral services for people who died of COVID-19. The relevant measures served 787 deceased COVID-19 patients, resting the soul of the deceased in peace while relieving the families’ grief of loss. By extending the special rental relief, TWGHs offered a rental concession up to 30% between June 2022 and January 2023 to its tenants with distressed businesses due to the pandemic, such as shops, tutorial or education centres and travel agencies. The 32-month measure helped small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) ride out challenging times with a subsidy totalling $6.8 million. Besides, at the invitation of the Government during the year, TWGHs supported the launch of the 6th round of Anti-epidemic Fund by setting up 3 “Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme Application Processing Centres” to help verify 97,630 applications for unemployment aid, so that citizens plagued by the pandemic could meet their pressing needs. To facilitate the full recovery of the disadvantaged groups with post-COVID conditions, TWGHs provided cross-disciplinary rehabilitation care for patients living in our residential homes with symptoms of long COVID-19, by participating in the residential support services under the "Hong Kong Jockey Club Long COVID-19 Rehabilitation Programme". Meanwhile, in view of the difficulties faced by subdivided households amid the pandemic, TWGHs outreaching service teams distributed the supplies donated by enthusiastic corporations among residents living in subdivided flats in Sham Shui Po District and Yau Tsim Mong District. As commissioned by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, 3 district elderly community centres and 3 integrated home care services centres of TWGHs handed out pre-packed meals to the homebound elderly, benefitting a total of 553 service recipients. For details, please refer to the chapter of “Corporate Highlights” of this Report.