2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

Passing on the Benevolent Heart in Free Medical Services TWGHs has been holding fast to the longstanding mission of “Healing the Sick and Relieving the Distressed” and “Providing Free Medical Services”. To this end, Kwong Wah Hospital always plays a pivotal role. The construction of the new building for Phase 1 of the redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital was successfully completed in December 2022, following which the existing clinical services will continue to serve the public after gradually moving into the new building during the first two quarters in 2023. Meanwhile, Phase 2 of the redevelopment, which is set to commence in the second half of the year, is expected to complete in 2029. Dedicated to developing Chinese medicine services, the Group has begun enhancing the environment and facilities in its Chinese medicine clinics since last year. Relocated to the ground floor of Tung Fai Gardens, opposite to Tung Wah Hospital in May 2022 and named TWGHs Kitty Woo Centre for Succession of Renowned Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine provides Chinese Medicine specialist outpatient services and passes on the experience of renowned Chinese medicine practitioners. The extension and improvement work of other TWGHs Chinese medicine facilities in Tung Wah Hospital is well underway, and expected to be completed by 2024. TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital – Hong Kong Baptist University Sophia Wang Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Services Centre also offers a cosier environment for patient care after completion of renovation works in late 2022. Apart from upgrading the infrastructure and ancillary facilities, TWGHs also strives for improvements in medical technology. During the year, the “National Traditional Chinese Medicine Master LIU Minru – 70 Years of Studying and Experience in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Webinar”, cohosted by TWGHs, China Association of Chinese Medicine and Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was held to pass on Master LIU’s academic knowledge and clinical experience, and in turn foster the academic development of gynaecology and obstetrics in Chinese medicine, promote the medical exchange between Mainland China and Hong Kong, and nurture relevant local talents. Given the rapid advancement of technology, TWGHs considered it a must to provide the public with newer and more patient-friendly medical services through innovation and the use of technology systems. In 2022, TWGHs Chinese medicine general outpatient clinics introduced an interactive voice response appointment service, allowing users to make an appointment over the phone anytime, anywhere instead of queuing in person. Meanwhile, online replenishment of Chinese medicine 东华三院一直坚守「救病拯危、赠医施药」的重 要使命,其中广华医院亦肩负当中举足轻重的角 色。广华医院重建计划第一期新大楼的建筑工程 于2022 年12 月竣工,现有的临床服务亦于2023 年首两季逐步迁入新大楼,继续服务巿民;而第 二期重建计划亦即将于下半年展开并预期于2029 年竣工。东华三院一向致力发展中医服务,自去 年开始逐步提升属下中医诊所的环境及设施, 东华三院—香港大学中医药临床教研中心已于 2022 年5 月迁往位于东华医院对面的东辉花园地 下新址,并命名为东华三院胡李名静名中医传承 工作室,提供中医专科门诊服务之外,亦将名中 医的行医经验继续传承;东华医院其它中医设施 的扩建改善工程亦正在进行,预计2024 年全部 完成。另外,东华三院黄大仙医院—香港浸会大 学王李名珍中医药临床研究服务中心的翻新改善 工程亦已于2022 年底完成,为病人提供更舒适 的治疗环境。 除了建设硬件设备配套外,东华三院在提升医疗 技术上亦力求进步。今年度联同中华中医药学会 与成都中医药大学主办在线「刘敏如国医大师从 医70 年女科传承学术交流会」,旨在传承刘敏如 国医大师的学术思想及临床经验,从而推动中医 妇产科的学术发展和促进内地和香港之间的医学 交流,积极培育本地中医人才。 科技发展一日千里,本院亦推陈出新,善用应用 科技系统,为市民提供更崭新及贴心的医疗服 务。本院属下中医普通科门诊部于2022 年推出 电话语音预约服务,方便服务使用者随时随地透 过电话进行预约,毋须亲身到门诊部排队轮筹。 同时亦推出在线中药重配服务,让持有有效处方 传承医者仁心 悬壶普济众生 为与市民一同分享香港特区政府成立25 周年的 喜悦及促进社区和谐共融,本院于2022 年11 月 举行东华三院「银铃‧响动人生」启动礼,一 众充满活力的年青长者以精彩表演,展现个人潜 能,组成另一支庆回归生力军。特区政府提出青 年发展工作及公布首个版本的《青年发展蓝图》, 适逢东华三院天秀墟成立十周年,东华三院于 2022 年12 月举办「细味‧人情‧天秀墟」嘉年 华活动,旨在鼓励青少年发展、庆祝中华人民 共和国香港特别行政区成立二十五周年、回顾天 秀墟十周年服务及营造节日气氛。本院于2022 年12 月举行综艺汇演,邀得立法会议员暨岭南 大学协理副校长刘智鹏教授BBS太平绅士及民政 事务总署助理署长胡钜华太平绅士莅临主礼。汇 演尽展一众属校学生及社会服务使用者多才多艺 的一面,为回归庆祝活动画上完美句号。 Hong Kong, as well as holding feature talks and movie sharing sessions in schools. Students were also encouraged to make good use of the online self-study platform, “Be Acquainted with China”, launched by the Academy of Chinese Studies. To share the joy of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR Government with the public, and to promote a harmonious and inclusive community, TWGHs launched in November 2022 the kick-off ceremony for its “Silver Bell – Ring Our Lives”, which saw a group of energetic young elderly giving full play to their potential in remarkable performances in celebration of the reunion. Given that the HKSAR Government’s youth development work and the launch of the first edition of the Youth Development Blueprint coincided with the 10th anniversary of TWGHs Tin Sau Bazaar, the Group hosted the “Tin Sau Bazaar Carnival” in December 2022, with multiple objectives of encouraging youth development, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR of the People's Republic of China, reviewing the service spectrum of Tin Sau Bazaar in the past decade, and boosting the festival atmosphere. In a variety show held in December 2022, TWGHs invited Prof. the Hon. LAU Chi Pang, BBS, JP, Member of the Legislative Council cum Associate Vice-President of Lingnan University, and Mr. WU Kui Wah, Thomas, JP, Assistant Director, Home Affairs Department, as the officiating guests. Thanks to the talent of TWGHs students and users of our community services, the Show was the grand finale of a series of anniversary events.