2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

东华三院服务得以持续发展,备受到广大市民信 任和欢迎,全赖上下一心,衷诚合作发挥团队精 神,齐心达致机构订定的企业及服务目标。香港 警务处于本年度的「好市民奖」计划中向本院颁发 「好机构奖」,以表扬本院在保护儿童方面作出的 重大贡献,承担社会企业责任。 东华三院积极推广关爱的企业文化及缔造愉快的 工作环境,推广「拥抱生活.乐在东华」的精神。 2022 年,本院继续参与由香港提升快乐指数基 金及香港生产力促进局举办的 「开心工作间推广 计划2022」,连续9 年获评为「开心机构」,并 再获颁发「开心机构5+」的殊荣。本院人力资源 管理策略及人才培训表现,亦再次获得肯定,连 续8 年于《HR Asia》杂志举办的「HR Asia Awards 2022」中荣获「亚洲最理想工作公司(香港)」大奖。 东华三院积极推行环保措施,支持节约能源。本 院属下超过80 个服务单位已签署由环境及生态 局及机电工程署推行的「节能约章2022」;同时, 辖下36 间学校和6 个社会服务单位获机电工程 署批准,参与「采电学社:学校及非政府福利机 构太阳能支援计划」。此外,本院获得环境及自 然保育基金拨款新项目,现正在3 间学校及3 座 单幢式住宅楼宇进行都市固体废物收费测试,推 动学生及单幢式住户参与分类回收和减废,目标 参与人数为3,000 人,目标减废量为百分之三至 五,积极配合政府2035 年「零废堆填」的目标。 东华三院150 多年来深受香港市民欢迎,建基于 良好的品牌声望及与公众建立良好的沟通桥梁。 为使市民大众全面认识东华三院年度工作和成 优质企业管治 全赖上下一心 Building Good Corporate Governance on Solidarity Without the united efforts and sincere cooperation of everyone at TWGHs, we could not have achieved sustainable development in our services which are trusted and welcomed by the general public, while achieving the established corporate and service targets. The Hong Kong Police Force awarded the Group the “Good Organisation Award” under the “Good Citizen Award” scheme during the year, in recognition of our significant contributions to the protection of children and assumption of corporate social responsibility. TWGHs actively promotes a caring corporate culture and a joyful working environment by advocating the philosophy “Embrace your Life, Rejoice with Tung Wah”. In 2022, the Group continued to participate in the “Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme 2022” jointly organised by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and Hong Kong Productivity Council. TWGHs was named as a “Happy Organisation” for 9 years in a row and once again honoured with the “Happy Organisation 5 years +” Award. Our strategies of human resources management and achievements in manpower training earned us the “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia (Hong Kong Chapter)” Award for 8 consecutive years in the “HR Asia Awards 2022” organised by HR Asia Magazine. TWGHs is at the forefront of energy conservation with its active pursuit of environmental protection measures. Over 80 TWGHs service units signed the “Energy Saving Charter 2022” jointly organised by the Environment and Ecology Bureau and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). Meanwhile, 36 schools and 6 community service units of the Group joined the Solar Harvest - Solar Energy Support Scheme for Schools and Welfare Non-Governmental Organisations” upon approval by the EMSD. Moreover, upon receiving new environmental funding from the Environment and Conservation Fund, the Group is currently conducting the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme Trial Programme at 3 schools and 3 single block residential buildings, with a target number of participants at 3,000 people and a goal of waste reduction at 3% to 5%, to drive material reuse and waste reduction. This is part of the Group’s proactive response to the Government’s goal of "Zero Landfill" by 2035. 随著新冠病毒疫情逐步受控,在遵照香港防疫规 定的情况下,董事局积极与政府各局及社会各界 进行交流,广结善缘,齐心推进东华善业可持续 发展。于2022 年,董事局成员与特区政府官员 和支持机构多次进行小规模会面,其中包括民政 及青年事务局、医务衞生局、教育局、劳工及福 利局、衞生署、社会福利署、民政事务总署、香 港警务处、到港事务处、香港海关、惩教署、医 院管理局的代表及中央人民政府驻香港特别行政 区联系办公室,就现届政府施政方向及各项社会 民生问题作出沟通及寻求指导。东华三院对政府 在2022年《施政报告》中计划在医疗衞生、教育、 安老、儿童及青年发展、房屋,以及劳工福利等 各方面针对性制定政策及增拨资源表示欢迎及支 持,本院会积极配合各项政策,为市民提供及时 和优质的服务及支持。东华三院对履行宪制责任 义不容辞,本院一众授权代表,分别于2021 年9 月举行的选举委员会界别分组一般选举、2021 年 12 月举行的立法会换届选举以及2022 年5 月的 行政长官选举中投下重要一票,齐心体现及支持 「爱国者治港」管治原则。 支持政府施政 善缘广结香江 Supporting the Government and Extending City-wide Philanthropic Network As the epidemic situation gradually stabilised, the Board of Directors, while adhered to the anti-epidemic requirements in Hong Kong, proactively engaged government bureaux and various sectors of the community, so as to promote sustainable development of our charitable efforts through extensive networking. In 2022, the Board of Directors met in small groups with the HKSAR government officials and supporting organisation, including of the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, the Health Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Department of Health, the Social Welfare Department, the Home Affairs Department, Hong Kong Police Force, Immigration Department, Customs and Excise Department, Correctional Services Department, the Hospital Authority and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, to communicate and seek guidance on the policy direction of the Government and various social and livelihood issues. TWGHs welcome and support the 2022 Policy Address’ proposals to formulate targeted policies and allocate additional resources to domains such as healthcare, education, elderly care, children and youth development, housing and labour welfare. In line with the Government policies, TWGHs will work proactively to offer timely and quality services and support to the general public. TWGHs feels duty-bound to fulfil its constitutional responsibilities. Authorised representatives of TWGHs casted an important vote in the Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections in September 2021, the Legislative Council General Election in December 2021 and the Chief Executive Election in May 2022 respectively, to contribute to and support the principle of “patriots governing Hong Kong”.