2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

受社会福利署委托,本院先 于2022 年3 月21 日至5 月 31 日营运设于启德邮轮码头 的启德暂托中心,期间为了 149 位的确诊新冠轻症长者, 提供基本膳食及护理服务。东 华学院亦同时派出200 多名师 生到暂托中心照顾长者,展 现医护人员对专业的承诺。 其后本院再获邀协助营运启 德临时检疫中心,自2022 年 9 月2 日起再次投入运行, 为成为密切接触者的安老院 院友提供24 小时照顾。截 至2022 年10 月31 日,本院 已为397 名长者提供服务。 东华三院与腾讯合作,于2022 年2 月28 日至 4 月30 日期间推出中医免费网上诊症服务,由 中医师提供免费视像健康咨询。其后本院再次 拨款支持是项计划,由2022 年3 月31 日起开 放第二轮预约。服务推出至今,合共惠及5,590 位确诊患者。 本院为支援社会福利署,于2022 年3 月14 日 至2023 年1 月31 日,安排司机和护送大使接 载660 间安老院舍逾2,750 位长者往返5 间暂 托中心隔离设施。 本院获赞助制作1,300 份「『疫』后晴天长者保 健训练套装」,经辖下长者中心派发予长者, 内容包括运动、动脑训练影片及艺术DIY等, 鼓励长者居家保持运动,有助纾压。 提供网上中医义诊服务 为需隔离长者提供接载及护送服务 推出「疫」后晴天复元计划 推出「『啡』走疫情」计划 营运启德检疫中心 TWGHs joined hands with Tencent in offering free online Chinese medical consultation service from 28 February to 30 April 2022. Chinese medicine practitioners provided video health consultation free of charge under the programme. Afterwards, TWGHs offered the 2nd round of free online Chinese medical consultation service from 31 March 2022 funded by the Group. Two rounds of programmes served around 5,590 confirmed patients in total. Offering Free Online Chinese Medical Consultation Service To improve the physical and mental health of the elderly living in the community amid the lingering pandemic, TWGHs offered the “'Shine On Me' Elderly Health-boosting Training Kit", which covered physical exercise, brain exercise videos, art DIY and more, to encourage the elderly to keep regular exercises at home. Under sponsorship, 1,300 sets of this health training kit were distributed to the elderly through TWGHs elderly centres. Launching “Shine On Me” — COVID-19 Recovery Programme TWGHs spared no effort in supporting the epidemic prevention measures implemented by the Social Welfare Department. From 14 March 2022 to 31 January 2023, the Group arranged drivers and ambassadors to escort over 2,750 elderly people in 660 residential care homes to and from 5 holding centres. Providing Escort Services for the Elderly to Isolation or Quarantine As part of our endeavours to care for the elderly, TWGHs Engage launched the “Coffee Cast Away COVID” Programme in over 30 elderly services units, and organised various activities such as aromatherapy treatments, Zentangles and Pastel Nagomi Art. Organising “Coffee Cast Away COVID” Programme Operating Kai Tak Quarantine Centre Entrusted by the Social Welfare Department, TWGHs operated the Kai Tak Holding Centre from 21 March to 31 May 2022 to take care of 149 COVID-19 infected elderly with mild symptoms. In addition, Tung Wah College designated 200 teachers and students to provide on-site professional caring services. TWGHs professional team resumed their services at our Kai Tak Quarantine Centre on 2 September 2022 as entrusted and provided 24-hour care for the elderly who were classified as close contacts in the elderly homes and were required to undergo quarantine. As of 31 October 2022, 397 elderly people as close contact of persons infected with COVID-19 were served by round-the-clock care of TWGHs. 本院越龄推出「『啡』走疫情」计划,探访逾30 个安老单位,并举办香薰治疗、禅绕画及和谐 粉彩等活动,让长者感受真切关怀。 为支持政府同心抗疫, 本院动员超过300 位 员工组成「东华抗疫义 工团队」。于2022 年3 月30 日至4 月8 日到 全港各区包装及派发 「防疫服务包」,充分体 现东华员工团结一心服 务社群的精神。 组织东华抗疫志愿者团队 In response to the Government's appeal to fight the virus together, the Group mobilised over 300 staff members to form the “Tung Wah Anti-epidemic Volunteer Work Force”, which provided support for territory-wide operations on the packaging and distribution of the "Anti-epidemic Service Bag" from 30 March to 8 April 2022. This initiative fully demonstrated the unity and compassion of TWGHs staff in serving the community. Mobilising Tung Wah Anti-epidemic Volunteer Work Force 东华三院志愿者团队团结一心服务社群 The TWGHs volunteer team with unity and compassion serving the community 抗疫 Combating the Virus 劳工及福利局局长孙玉菡太平绅士( 左六) 及 社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士( 左七) 到访 检疫中心视察及了解开展服务前准备工作,并 为本院工作人员打气。 The Hon. SUN Yuk Han, Chris, JP (left 6), Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (left 7), Director of Social Welfare, paid a visit to the Centre to cheer TWGHs staff on.