2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

奖项及殊荣 AWARDS AND HONOURS 04 东华三院企业宣传短片2022「东华为善 世纪不变」 TWGHs Corporate Branding Video 2022 "Tung Wah · Dedication to Charity · Devotion for Centuries" 东华三院企业宣传短片2022 社交媒体宣传 Social Media Promotion for TWGHs Corperate Branding Video 2022 东华三院品牌推广宣传项目及东华三院刊物《2021/2022年报及相集》 获得多个国际性及本地的奖项。 TWGHs branding and promotion projects, and TWGHs publication Annual Report and Photo Album 2021/2022 received several international and local awards. 东华三院卖旗日透过不同的媒体作推广及宣传 Different promotion and publicity for TWGHs Flag Day 奖项 Awards 东华三院宣传活动及机构刊物 TWGHs Promotion Campaigns and Corporate Publication 东华三院企业宣传短片2022 「东华为善 世纪不变」 TWGHs Corporate Branding Video 2022 "Tung Wah · Dedication to Charity · Devotion for Centuries" 东华三院企业宣传短片2022 社交媒体宣传 Social Media Promotion for TWGHs Corporate Branding Video 2022 《2021/2022东华三院年报及相集》 TWGHs Annual Report and Photo Album 2021/2022 2022 Galaxy 大奖 2022 Galaxy Awards 2022 Galaxy 大奖 2022 Galaxy Awards 2022 Galaxy 大奖 2022 Galaxy Awards 2022 国际ARC大奖 非政府组织慈善机构组别 2022 International ARC Awards N.G.O. Charitable Organisation 2022/2023 MERCURY卓越大奖 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards 2022/2023 MERCURY卓越大奖 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards 2022/2023 MERCURY卓越大奖 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards 「推广:品牌形象」银奖 Silver Award for "Promotion: Brand Identity" 「年报—印刷:亚太区非政府组织慈善机构」组别银奖 Silver Award for "Annual Reports – Printing: Non-Profit Organisations – Asia/Pacific" 「推广/ 市场营销:品牌营销/ 品牌再造」铜奖 Bronze Award for "Promotion/Marketing: Branding/Re-branding" 「推广/ 市场营销:认知活动」银奖 Silver Award for "Promotion/Marketing: Awareness Campaigns" 「录像—DVD 光碟/ 在线/ USB存储器:机构形象」金奖 Gold Award for "Video - DVD/Online/USB: Corporate Identity" 「录像—DVD 光碟/ 在线/ USB存储器」类别年度大奖 Best of Category Grand Award for "Video - DVD/Online/USB" 「主席函件」银奖 Silver Award for "Chairman's/President's Letter" 「资讯图表」银奖 Silver Award for "Infographics" 「印刷及制作」铜奖 Bronze Award for "Printing & Production" 「封面图片/设计」优异奖 Honours for "Cover Photo/Design" 2022/2023 MERCURY卓越大奖 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards 「年报—封面设计:抽象图/ 图象」优异奖 Honours for "Annual Reports - Cover Design: Abstract/Graphics" 「年报—内页设计:传统格式:亚洲/ 太平洋地区」优异奖 Honours for "Annual Reports - Interior Design: Traditional Format: Asia/ Pacific" 东华三院卖旗日推广及宣传活动 TWGHs Flag Day Promotion and Publicity Campaign 2022 香港管理专业协会最佳年报奖 2022 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards 优秀慈善机构年报奖 Excellence Award for Charitable Organisation 「录像—DVD光碟、网址及USB存储器:动画推广」金奖 Gold Award for "Videos - DVDs, URLs & USBs: Animated Promotion"