2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

奖项及殊荣 AWARDS AND HONOURS 06 Funded by the Bank of China (Hong Kong), the Project of the Centre participated in “Wofoo Asian Award for Advancing Family Well-Being (Wofoo 3A Project) 2022” organised by the Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region and was granted the “Silver Award” and recognised as “My Favourite Project”. The Project was effective in alleviating parenting stress, enhancing parental skills in responding to children's emotions and reducing emotional-behavioural problems among children. “Brain-based Emotion Coaching Parenting Programme” by TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre Awarded in “Wofoo Asian Award for Advancing Family Well-Being (Wofoo 3A Project) 2022” 该中心有关的计划是由中国银行( 香港) 资助, 并参加由亚洲区家庭研究联盟主办的「2022 和富 亚洲杰出家庭工作计划大奖」,夺得「银奖」及「我 最喜爱计划奖」。该计划能有效减低亲职压力、 提升家长回应幼儿情绪的技巧,并且减少幼儿的 情绪行为问题。 东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心 「脑力教出情绪智能」计划于 「2022和富亚洲杰出家庭工作计划大奖」 夺奖 Organised by General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Language Promotion Council, the Award aimed to praise the teachers who are dedicated to promoting Putonghua education in schools. Ms. YEUNG Ka Man, a teacher of TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School (Yuen Long), was awarded the “Excellence Putonghua Teacher” under the category of “Language and Art”. Students of TWGHs Yau Tsz Tin Memorial Secondary School participated in the "Engineering Leadership in Community Programme" – The First Robot Explorer Cup organised by the Faculty of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, who won the championship with outstanding performance. The Programme designed a 6-month event, in which students assemble and programme robots to complete their assigned tasks. TWGHs Teacher Awarded in “Hong Kong Outstanding Putonghua Teacher Award” Students of TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College Won the Champion in “Engineering Leadership in Community Programme” – The First Robot Explorer Cup 东华三院属下教师于「全港杰出普通话 教师嘉许礼」获奖 东华三院邱子田纪念中学学生荣获 「社区工程领袖计划」– 第一届机械人探索杯冠军 东华三院邱子田纪念中学同学荣获「社区工程领袖计划」— 第一届机械人探索杯冠军。 Students of TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College was awarded the championship of the "Engineering Leadership in Community Programme" – The First Robot Explorer Cup. 该项嘉许礼由普通话水平考试语文推广委员会主 办,藉此肯定获奖教师在推动普通话教学发展的 努力。本院属下东华三院姚达之纪念小学( 元朗) 杨嘉雯老师荣获「语言及艺术运用」范畴中的 「卓越普通话教师」。 东华三院邱子田纪念中学学生参与由香港科技大 学工程学院主办的「社区工程领袖计划」— 第一 届机械人探索杯,表现卓越,荣获冠军。该计划 为学生设计为期6 个月的活动,并进行机械人组 装及编程以完成指派任务。 Students of TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College participated in the “13th Lu Xun Young Literary Award” organised by the Lu Xun Cultural Development Centre, with the aim to strengthening language ability and independent thinking, and cultivating respect for the mother tongue. Twelve students achieved outstanding performance and one of them won the Grand Prize in the Senior Secondary Group. Students of TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College Won Awards in the 13th Lu Xun Young Literary Award 东华三院甲寅年总理中学学生参与由鲁迅文化发 展中心举办的「第十三届鲁迅青少年文学奖」, 以加强语文及独立思考能力,并培养尊重母语的 精神。十二位学生在比赛中获得优异成绩,其中 1 位属校学生更脱颖而出,荣获高中组特等奖。 东华三院甲寅年总理中学学生于 「第十三届鲁迅青少年文学奖」获奖 "Elite Programme of Chinese Language", commissioned by the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau and organised by the Chinese Language Education Research Association, aimed to identify students in secondary and primary schools who are gifted with outstanding performance in Chinese language, as well as to provide them with systematic training outside the classroom. A student from TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ College won the Gold Award of the Programme, firstrunner up of the Talent Performance Session and first runner-up of Creative Writing, while another student from the same school won the Bronze Award. Meanwhile, a student from TWGHs Li Ka Shing College won the Silver Award and 2 students won the Bronze Award. TWGHs Secondary School Students Received Multiple “Elite Programme of Chinese Language” Awards 「中国语文菁英计划」由教育局资优教育组委托中 国语文教育研究学会举办,旨在发掘在中、小学 中国语文方面有表现优秀的资优学生,并为他们 提供课堂以外有系统的培训。东华三院甲寅年总 理中学1 位同学勇夺菁英金奖、才艺表演比赛亚 军及创意写作比赛亚军,同校另1 位学生亦荣获 菁英铜奖;而东华三院李嘉诚中学亦分别有1 位 及两位学生获得菁英银奖及菁英铜奖。 东华三院属下中学学生勇夺多项 「中国语文菁英计划」奖项