2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 14 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Native Province : Chaoyang, Guangdong Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Cum Laude), Menlo College, California, USA Deputy Chairman of Tai Sang Land Development Limited Director of Tai Sang Bank Limited Honorary Treasurer of the Award Council of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (from 1/2/2022 to 31/1/2024) Council Member of the Award Council of the Hong Kong Award for Young People Chairman of Camp Management Committee of the Hong Kong Award for Young People Member of the Correctional Services Children's Education Trust Committee Silver Fellow of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation Permanent Honourable President of Hong Kong Swatow Merchants Association Limited Director of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Limited Honorary Doctor of Management, Lincoln University, Asian College of Knowledge Management Senior Fellowship of Asian College of Knowledge Management Managing Director of Modern Life Limited Director of the 11th Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organizations Limited (till 31/12/2023) Honourable Adviser of The Overseas Teo Chew Entrepreneurs Association Member of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Member of the HKGCC's Real Estate and Infrastructure Committee Member of Hong Kong United Youth Association Member of The Maritime Silk Road Society Council Member of Hong Kong Tennis Foundation Member of Asian College of Knowledge Management Permanent Honourable President of Wanchai and Central & Western District Industries and Commerce Association Member of The University of Hong Kong Foundation Member of Entrepreneurs' Organization Hong Kong Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers Life Member of the Photographic Society of Hong Kong Honorary Advisor of Upbeat Student Ambassador Programme (from 8/2021 to 8/2022) Co-Chairman of Management Committee of Tang Shiu Kin and Ho Tim Charitable Fund (from 1/4/2022 to 31/3/2023) Director (2014/2017), 5th Vice-Chairman (2017/2018), 4th Vice-Chairman (2018/2019), 3rd Vice-Chairman (2019/2020), 2nd Vice-Chairman (2020/2021), 1st Vice-Chairman (2021/2022) and Chairman (2022/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 主席 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip Chairman 马清扬 籍贯:广东潮阳 美国加州曼隆大学工商管理学荣誉理学士 大生地产发展有限公司副主席 大生银行有限公司董事 香港青年奖励计划委员会义务司库 ( 由1/2/2022 至31/1/2024 ) 香港青年奖励计划理事会委员 香港青年奖励计划营地管理委员会主席 惩教署人员子女教育信托基金会员 爱丁堡公爵国际奖励基金会银会员 香港汕头商会永远名誉会长 香港潮州商会会董 亚洲知识管理学院林肯大学荣誉管理博士 亚洲知识管理学院资深院士 Modern Life Limited董事总经理 香港潮属社团总会有限公司第十一届会董 ( 至31/12/2023 ) 海外潮人企业家协会名誉顾问 香港总商会会员 香港总商会地产及基建委员会会员 香港青年联会会员 海上丝绸之路协会会员 香港网球基金会委员会委员 亚洲知识管理学院会员 湾仔中西区工商业联合会永远名誉会长 香港大学基金会会员 香港青年企业家协会会员 香港银行学会会员 香港摄影学会永远会员 Upbeat 青少年大使计划名誉顾问( 由8/2021 至8/2022 ) 邓肇坚何添慈善基金管理委员会联席主席 ( 由1/4/2022 至31/3/2023 ) 东华三院2014/2017 总理、2017/2018 第五副主席、 2018/2019 第四副主席、2019/2020 第三副主席、 2020/2021 第二副主席、2021/2022 第一副主席及 2022/2023 主席