2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 17 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 籍贯:广东珠海 美国南加州大学土木工程学硕士 美国华盛顿大学土木工程学学士 正备企业有限公司董事 百备有限公司董事总经理 Green Apple Restaurant Limited董事 香港珠海社团总会常务副会长 香港各界文化促进会执行委员会副主席 中国人民政治协商会议珠海市金湾区委员会委员 油尖区少年警讯名誉会长会名誉会长 九龙城区少年警讯名誉会长会名誉会长 东华三院2014/2016 及2020/2021 总理、 2021/2022 第五副主席及2022/2023 第四副主席 籍贯:广东揭阳 企业融资硕士 美国波士顿书院工商管理学院会计及管理信息系统学士 旭日国际集团有限公司副主席 旭日物业管理有限公司副主席 誉一钟表集团有限公司董事 安基司国际教育( 集团) 有限公司董事 中国人民政治协商会议四川省委员会委员 中国人民政治协商会议广东省揭阳市委员会委员 中国人民政治协商会议深圳市委员会委员(2015-2020) 香港政协青年联会副主席 香港沙田工商业联合会荣誉会长 香港理工大学发展基金董事局成员 心连心行动慈善基金永远荣誉会长 意赠慈善基金永远名誉会长 香港女童军总会名誉副会长 东华三院2016/2019 总理、2019/2020 顾问、2020/2022 总理及 2022/2023 第五副主席 第四副主席 第五副主席 Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York Ms. CHOI Ka Yee, Crystal 4th Vice-Chairman 5th Vice-Chairman 曾庆业 蔡加怡 Native Province : Zhuhai, Guangdong Master of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, USA Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Washington, USA Director of Tseng Brothers Investments Company Limited Managing Director of Benebase Inc. Director of Green Apple Restaurant Limited Executive Vice-President of Federation of Hong Kong Zhuhai Community Limited Vice-Chairman of Executive Committee of Hong Kong Culture Association Member of Zhuhai Jinwan District Committee of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Honorary President of Yau Tsim District Junior Police Call Honorary President Council Honorary President of Kowloon City District Junior Police Call Honorary President Council Director (2014/2016 & 2020/2021), 5th Vice-Chairman (2021/2022) and 4th Vice-Chairman (2022/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Native Province : Jieyang, Guangdong Master of Corporate Finance Bachelor of Science (Accounting, MIS), Wallace E Carroll School of Management, Boston College, USA Vice-Chairman of Early Light International (Holdings) Limited Vice-Chairman of E. Lite Property Management Limited Director of Unique Timepieces Limited Director of Anchors International Education (Group) Limited Member of Sichuan Committee of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Member of Guangdong Jieyang Committee of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Member of Shenzhen Committee of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (2015-2020) Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong CPPCC Youth Association Honorary President of Hong Kong Shatin Industries and Commerce Association Limited Member of Board of Directors of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Development Fund Life Honorary President of United We Stand Foundation Life Honorary President of Egive For You Charity Foundation Honorary Vice-President of The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Director (2016/2019), Adviser (2019/2020), Director (2020/2022) and 5th Vice-Chairman (2022/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals