2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 19 总理 Mrs. NG CHENG Nga Yu, Emmi Director 吴郑雅瑜 籍贯:广东潮阳 加拿大多伦多大学国际研究文学士 南华集团控股有限公司公司事务总监 香港政协青年联会会员 香港潮州商会青年委员会委员 香港中华总商会会员 东华三院2019/2023 总理 · · · · · · · 籍贯:广东潮州 美国加州大学尔湾分校商业经济文学士 HKE Holdings Limited (1726.HK) 主席兼执行董事 永卓御富国际有限公司创始人及主席 大圣集团创始人 中华全国青年联合会第十三届委员会委员 江苏省青年联合会第十二届委员会委员 2021 年香港特别行政区选举委员会第三界别委员 政制及内地事务局个人资料私隐专员公署委员 保安局监管释囚委员会委员 观塘区扑灭罪行委员会委员 香港海关青年发展计划名誉会长 香港志愿者联盟常务副主席 香港再出发大联盟委员会委员 九龙社团联会第九届首席会长 香港政协青年联会第五届执委会副主席兼经济发展委员会副主任 香港菁英会第十一届至第十五届执委会副秘书长 香港青年联会第二十九届至第三十一届常务会董 岭南大学文化研究系顾问委员会委员 香港潮洲商会第五十八届会员 香港国酒茅台之友协会名誉会长及第二届青年委员会主任 九龙社团联会观塘地区委员会荣誉会长 油尖旺社团联会荣誉会长 香港大学基金名誉董事 东华三院2021/2023 总理 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Native Province : Chaoyang, Guangdong Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada Corporate Affairs Director of South China Holdings Company Limited Member of Hong Kong CPPCC Youth Association Member of the Young Executive Committee of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Limited Member of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong Director (2019/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals · · · · · · · Native Province: Chaozhou, Guangdong Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics, University of California, Irvine, USA Chiefman and Executive Director of HKE Holdings Limited (1726.HK) Founder and Chairman of Ever Royal International Limited Founder of Monmonkey Group Securities Limited Member of the 13th Committee of All-China Youth Federation Member of the 12th Committee of Jiangsu Youth Federation Member of the Third Sector of the Election Committee of HKSAR Government 2021 Member of the Committee of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau Member of Post-Release Supervision Board of the Security Bureau Member of District Fight Crime Committee (Kwun Tong District) Honorary President of Customer YES of the Customs and Excise Department Executive Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Volunteers Federation Member of Hong Kong Coalition Chief President of the 9th Kowloon Federation of Associations Vice-Chairman of the 5th Committee cum Deputy Director of the Economic Development Committee of the Hong Kong CPPCC Youth Association Deputy Secretary-General of the 11th to the 15th Executive Committee of the Y.Elites Association Executive Director of the 29th to the 31st Hong Kong United Youth Association Member of Advisory Board of Department of Cultural Studies of Lingnan University Member of the 58th Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Limited Honorary President and Chairman of the 2nd Youth Committee of Hong Kong Friends of Moutai Club Honorary President of Kowloon Federation of Associations Kwun Tong District Committee Honorary President of Yau Tsim Mong Federation of Association Honorary Director of The University of Hong Kong Foundation Director (2021/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 总理 Mr. Joseph LIN Director 连浩民