2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 28 The Community Services Division plans, develops and administers 232 social welfare service units, including 67 elderly service units, 82 youth and family service units, 53 rehabilitation service units as well as 30 social enterprises and social innovation units. The wide spectrum of services of the Division covers various residential care homes for the elderly (ranging from the care and attention level to infirmary care level), district elderly community centres, neighbourhood centres and day care centres for the elderly, home care services for the elderly, integrated discharge support for elderly patients, dementia care services, young old services, life education and funeral support services, small group homes, a girls’ hostel, foster care services, nursery schools, early education and training centres, on-site pre-school rehabilitation services, school social work for pre-primary institutions, tier 1 support services in kindergarten-cum-child care centres, special child care centre, child development centres, employment assistance services, integrated services for youth and family, school social work and student guidance services, specialised counselling services, food assistance services, hotline and outreaching service teams, a crisis intervention and support centre, support programme for enhancing peaceable relationship, hotline and support services for sexual minorities, day activity centres for mentally handicapped persons, integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres, hostels for mentally handicapped persons, a supported hostel, care and attention homes for severely disabled, care and attention homes for the aged blind, a long stay care home, district support centres for persons with disabilities, home care services for severely disabled, outreaching medical services, outreaching allied health services, community mental health services, community rehabilitation services, rehabilitation education and training, art training and development for people with disabilities, social enterprises operated for disadvantaged groups, co-working space that support young entrepreneurs and co-living space for young adults. The Property Division formulates development plans for TWGHs properties, and oversees the management and leasing of rental properties. It makes a great effort to redevelop TWGHs properties and explore development opportunities to meet service needs and optimise the Group’s rental income to fund its operation and development projects. The Division also offers professional advice to other Divisions/ Office/Section, and supervises all projects to ensure they are completed on time, within budget and of a high standard. The Property Division takes charge of the implementation and supervision of the Group’s green initiatives to make TWGHs an ever-improving green organisation. In addition, the Division is responsible for carrying out planning, construction and management of transitional housing projects with an aim of providing affordable temporary living accommodation to grassroots citizens in urgent need. The Division is responsible for planning and organising fund-raising activities, handling planned giving and other specific donations including beneficiary programmes, naming of service units, donation of bequests, shares and properties, etc., exploring effective and new donation channels and rendering fund-raising related back-end support such as issuing donation receipts and maintaining all donation records. It also implements related public relations work, including maintaining and expanding the corporate and individual donors’ network. In addition, the Division makes recommendations to the Board regarding the adoption and review of fund-raising policies and strategies. The Board and Corporate Administration Division is responsible for facilitating and monitoring the formation of the Board of Directors. It manages the work in connection with the relevant Ordinances of TWGHs, the administrative work of the Association of Past and Present Directors of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, the management of the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital, as well as provides secretarial support for the Board and senior management of the Administration Headquarters. The Division builds and promotes the public image of the Board of Directors by organising social functions and meetings for the Board. 社会服务科负责策划、发展及管理东华三院属下 232 个社会福利服务单位,其中包括67 个安老服 务单位、82 个青少年及家庭服务单位、53 个复 康服务单位及30 个社会企业和社会创新单位。 该科负责的服务十分多元化,涵盖提供护理安老 程度至疗养程度服务的各类安老院舍、长者地区 中心、邻舍中心及日间护理中心、长者家居照顾 服务、离院长者综合支援服务、认知障碍症专门 服务、年轻长者服务、生命教育及后事支援服务、 儿童之家、女童宿舍、寄养服务、幼儿园、早期 教育及训练中心、到校学前康复服务、学前学校 社工服务、幼稚园暨幼儿中心第一层支援服务、 特殊幼儿中心、儿童发展中心、就业援助服务、 青少年及家庭综合服务、学校社会工作服务及学 生辅导服务、专门辅导服务、食物援助服务、热 线及外展服务队、危机介入及支援中心、平和关 系支援计划、性小众热线及支援服务、智障人士 日间活动中心、综合职业复康服务中心、智障人 士宿舍、辅助宿舍、严重残疾人士护理院、视障 长者护理院、长期护理院、残疾人士地区支援中 心,严重残疾人士家居照顾服务、外展医疗服务、 外展专职医疗服务、社区精神复康服务、社区复 康服务、复康教育及培训、残疾人士艺术训练及 发展、专门招聘弱势社群的社会企业、提供青年 创业支援的共享工作间及青年共居空间。 物业科负责策划东华三院的物业发展、管理辖下 的物业和出租事宜。该科积极重建辖下物业及开 拓发展机会,藉此满足服务需求及确保稳定租金 收益,以支持东华三院行政和发展计划的费用。 物业科亦为其它科/ 办公室/ 部提供专业意见, 监督各项工程,以确保所有工程质素良好,合乎 预算支出及依时完工。该科同时致力推行及监察 东华三院的环保工程,使东华三院迈向日趋完善 的绿色机构。此外,物业科亦负责策划、兴建及 管理过渡性房屋项目,藉此为有急切需要的基层 市民,提供可负担的临时居所。 筹募科负责策划和筹办各项筹款活动,处理计划 性和其它特别捐助,包括受惠项目、单位命名、 遗产、股票、物业捐赠等;拓展有效和崭新的捐 款途径及处理与筹款有关的后援工作,如签发捐 款收据及保存所有善款纪录等;亦会执行与筹款 有关的公关工作,包括维系和拓展企业合作及善 长网络。此外,筹募科会向董事局建议制订和检 讨各项有关筹款的政策和策略。 董事局及机构行政科负责策划及监察有关筹组董 事局的事务,处理与东华三院有关的条例,执行 东华三院历届总理联谊会的行政工作及管理东华 医院礼堂,并为董事局及行政总部高级管理层提 供文书支援。此外,董事局及机构行政科负责建 立和推广董事局的公众形象,透过筹办董事局的 社交和会面活动,加强本院与政府部门及有关机 构和团体的沟通和联系。该科又协助各科/办公 室/部安排庆典及活动,并透过辖下总务组为行 政总部提供收发文件、运输及庶务等中央服务。 社会服务科 物业科 筹募科 董事局及机构行政科 Community Services Division Property Division Fund-raising Division Board and Corporate Administration Division