2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

医疗衞生服务 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 40 东华三院董事局、广华医院管治委员会成员及东华三院高级职员合照 Group photo of TWGHs Board of Directors, Members of HGC of Kwong Wah Hospital and Senior Staff of TWGHs 超过100 位嘉宾及广华医院员工一同参与祈福仪式。 Over 100 guests and KWH staff joined the Worship Ceremony. Kwong Wah Hospital held icon and slogan design competitions, in which the chosen icon and slogan would be used in the publications and souvenirs for celebrating the commissioning of new hospital building. After online polling by hospital staff, the winners were selected in September and October 2022. The chosen icon “KWH”, an abbreviation of Kwong Wah Hospital and a manifestation of the contour and 3 pantone colours of the new hospital building, marks the key milestone of the Hospital’s Master Redevelopment Programme. Meanwhile, the slogan “We Care with Heritage and Innovation” indicates that the new Kwong Wah Hospital will introduce new services and facilities to the public and enhance the medical services through modern technology; and by inheriting the benevolence and compassion in the Hospital’s century-old medical practice, together with TWGHs mission “To heal the sick and relieve the distressed”, the Hospital will continue to provide quality medical services for the public despite any challenges ahead. 广华医院举办新里程标志及标语设计比赛, 胜出的标志及标语将用于庆祝医院新大楼入 伙的印刷品和纪念品上。经过全院员工网上 投票后,优胜作品于2022 年9 月及10 月诞 生。新里程标志主要以医院的英文简称勾画 新大楼的外貌,配以新大楼幕墙的3 种色调, 展现医院重建的里程碑;而标语「塑建智能医 旅 传系百载仁程」则寄语新广华医院今后为 市民带来崭新的服务和设施,并透过科技完 善医疗服务,迈向「智能医旅」的新里程,加 上全院坚守仁心仁术逾百载,这「仁程」满载 「人情」,无惧时代变迁,秉承东华三院「救病 拯危」的精神,迎接未来种种挑战。 广华医院新里程标志及标语 New Icon and New Slogan of Kwong Wah Hospital 广华医院新里程标志 及标语「塑建智能医 旅 传系百载仁程」 New icon and new slogan "We Care with Heritage and Innovation" for Kwong Wah Hospital