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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 102 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院阳光孩子中心(香港)开幕典礼 Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Sunshine Kids Centre (Hong Kong) 东华三院吕润财纪念中学科创空间启动礼暨 美术室优化工程启动礼 Launching Ceremony of TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College Innovative Space cum Art Room Enhancement Works 03/03 13/03 该中心设备齐全,将为有特殊需要儿童及其家庭提供更优质的学前康复服务。 Fully equipped with necessary facilities, the Centre will provide better quality preschool rehabilitation services for children with special needs and their families. 该科创空间为多用途教学场地,以进一步支援学校STEAM课程的发展。 The Innovative Space, a multi-purpose teaching venue at the School, was established to further support the development of the College's STEAM curriculum. 主礼嘉宾劳工及福利局康复专员王秀慧太平绅士(右七)主持碑记揭幕仪式。 The Guest of Honour, Miss WONG Sau Wai, Vega, JP (right 7), Commissioner for Rehabilitation, officiated at the Plaque Unveiling Ceremony. 我们参观中心,并试用不同设备。 We visited the Centre and tried different rehabilitation equipment. 该科创空间安装了两个Smart Board及多部 先进计算机以作互动教学。 The Innovative Space comes with two Smart Boards and advanced computers to facilitate interactive teaching. 感谢该校校监吕博硕太平绅士(左七)的支持。 We are grateful to Mr. LUI Pok Shek, Willie, JP (left 7), Supervisor of the College, for his support.