2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 106 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 参观壁屋惩教所 A Visit to Pik Uk Correctional Institution 01/02 我与董事局成员获邀参观壁屋惩教所,并与惩教署署长黄国兴先生CSDSM(前排右六)、副署长(更生及管理)梁建业博士 (前排左五)交流会面,了解惩教署如何在惩教所推展适切的更生计划,指导和协助在囚人士重投社会。 My fellow Board Members and I were invited to visit Pik Uk Correctional Institution, where we met with Mr. WONG Kwok Hing, CSDSM (front row, right 6), Commissioner of Correctional Services, and Dr. LEUNG Kin Ip, Kenneth (front row, left 5), Deputy Commissioner (Rehabilitation and Management). During the visit, we gained a better understanding of how the Correctional Services Department implements appropriate rehabilitation programmes in correctional institutions for helping and supporting inmates to reintegrate into the society. 金紫荆杯全港幼儿迎新春绘画大赛颁奖典礼 Prize Ceremony of Golden Bauhinia Cup Children’s Lunar New Year Drawing Competition 11/02 本院属下幼稚园及幼儿园共获得8个组织奖、8个一等奖、14个二等奖、30个三等奖及51个优异奖,成绩卓越! TWGHs kindergartens and nursery schools garnered 8 Organisation Awards, 8 First-Class Awards, 14 Second-Class Awards, 30 Third-Class Awards and 51 Merit Awards, making remarkable achievements. 本院学生的艺术天分得到认同,令人高兴。 What a pleasure to learn that TWGHs students' art talents were recognised! 本院得奖学生作品 Awarded artworks by TWGHs students