2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 108 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院· 金银业贸易场· 香港保龄球总会慈善保龄球大赛 TWGHs · CGSE · HKTBC Charity Bowling Tournament 该赛事于南华体育会保龄球场圆满举行,活动收益拨供「东华三院何玉清教育心理服务中心」,以推行治疗选择性缄默症的 社区服务。 The Charity Bowling Tournament was held successfully at the South China Athletic Association Bowling Centre. All the proceeds raised will be earmarked for the "TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centre" to launch a community service for children suffering from selective mutism and their families. 07/01 我与筹备委员会主席蔡加怡副主席(前排左三)陪同主礼嘉宾民政及青年事务局常任秘书长林雪丽太平绅士(前排左四)及 活动大使,一同主持开球仪式。 Ms. LAM Shuet Lai, Shirley, JP (front row, left 4), Permanent Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Guest of Honour, Ms. CHOI Ka Yee, Crystal (front row, left 3), Vice-Chairman cum Organising Committee Chairman, the event ambassador and I officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony. 环宇物流(亚洲)控股有限公司防菌沐浴露及洗手液捐赠仪式 Donation Ceremony of Anti-bacterial Body Wash and Hand Wash by World-Link Logistics (Asia) Holding Limited 15/02 我代表本院颁发感谢状予环宇物流(亚洲) 控股有限公司执行董事李鉴雄先生(右)及 陆有志先生(左),以表谢意。 On behalf of the Group, I delivered the certificate of appreciation to Mr. Sunny LEE (right) and Mr. Desmond LUK (left), Executive Directors of World-Link Logistics (Asia) Holding Limited, to express our gratitude.