2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 109 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 感谢香港特别行政区政府财政司司长陈茂波大紫荆勋贤GBS, MH太平绅士(前排右八)及香港赛马会副主席李家祥博士 GBS, OBE太平绅士(前排左九)担任主礼嘉宾。 We are grateful to the Hon. CHAN Mo Po, Paul, GBM, GBS, MH, JP (front row, right 8), Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, and Dr. LI Ka Cheung, Eric, GBS, OBE, JP (front row, left 9), Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, for being the Guests of Honour. 活动典礼 Events and Ceremonies 2023 一月至三月JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院「奔向共融」一香港赛马会特殊马拉松2023 TWGHs "iRun" - The Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2023 08/01 是次活动获香港赛马会慈善信托基金支持,近2,000 名智障跑手伙拍健全伴跑员参与。除了「挑战杯」及「共融跑」外,活动 今年新增「传 · 家跑」项目,有超过100位6至12岁智障儿童及家人参与,鼓励他们建立运动习惯,促进亲子关系。 Thanks to the support rendered by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Event was successfully held, with nearly 2,000 intellectual disabilities runners pairing up with able-bodied runners participating. In addition to "Challenge Group" and "iRun Group", the Event introduced the "iRun for Family" this year. Over 100 children with intellectual disabilities and their families joined the run, with an aim to encourage mentally challenged children aged between 6 and 12 to build up the habits of sports and to strengthen their bond with family members.