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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 113 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院高可宁纪念小学45周年校庆典礼 45th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School 08/03 感谢葵青民政事务处民政事务专员邓显权太平绅士(左五)担 任主礼嘉宾。我们并进行祝愿仪式,一同期望校务蒸蒸日上。 We are grateful to Mr. TANG Huggin, JP (left 5), District Officer, Kwai Tsing District Office, Home Affairs Department, for being our Guest of Honour. On that day at the Ceremony, we all wished the School a prosperous future. 学生在舞台上表演武术和街舞。 Students gave enthusiastic performances of martial arts and street dance on stage. 我与本院副主席兼学务委员会主任委员何猷启先生(右一)致送 纪念品予主礼嘉宾葵青民政事务处民政事务专员邓显权太平 绅士(中)。 Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando (right 1), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Education Committee, and I presented a souvenir to the officiating guest, Mr. TANG Huggin, JP (centre), District Officer, Kwai Ching District Office, Home Affairs Department. 东华三院黄士心小学35周年校庆典礼 35th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of TWGHs Wong See Sum Primary School 06/01