2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 118 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 奖项殊荣Awards and Recognitions 历史文化 History and Culture 2023 一月至三月JANUARY - MARCH 第二届东华三院文頴怡中华文创设计奖颁奖 Prize Presentation of TWGHs Ginny Man Chinese Cultural & Creativity Prize 2022 壬寅年董事局参与「观音开库」宝诞活动 Board of Directors Participated in the “Kwun Yum Treasury Festival” Event 01/03 15/02 本届比赛以「具中国传统文化特色的饮品杯」为题,鼓励参赛者发挥创意,将传统文化和日常生活结合。 This year's competition encouraged the participants to showcase their creativity and blend it with their designs under the theme of "mugs with traditional Chinese culture", thus integrating traditional culture into everyday life. 我在曾庆业副主席(左) 陪同下向冠军得奖者薛 竣鸿(中)颁发奖座。 Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (left), Vice-Chairman, and I presented the award to the winner Mr. SEE Jun Hong (centre). 我与一众董事局成员进行参神仪式,祈求活动圆满顺利。 Together with my fellow Board Members, I performed the ritual to pray for the smooth operation of the Event. 冠军得奖作品「供品」 Offerings, the Champion 亚军得奖作品「清皇鸟居」 The Qing Dynasty · House of Birds, the 1st runner-up 季军得奖作品「载善、竹杯」及「吉肖」 Bamboo Tea Cup and Lucky Zodiac, the 2nd runners-up